how do you do colour write?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by xxalyssaxx, Dec 22, 2011.

  1. Asterisk are the little star things, these *

    Take those out and do the code.

    To do color do EXACTLY this:
    [color=[size=1].[/size]] Insert Desired Text Here. [/color]
  2. color not colour jade... it only accepts the USA version of color.
  3. You're supposed to get this
  4. Yeah so I just joined this game
  5. Here's how you do colors:

    Color's are probably the most used BB code on forums, therefore you should probably know how to do them. To do colors, do EXACTLY this:

    [color=red[size=1].[/size]] Insert Desired text here [/color]

    Of course the text will come up In red when you do it. Red is not the only color you can use, in fact, there is 150 different colors you can use. Here is a list of all of them:

    AliceBlue: Example.

    AntiqueWhite: Example.

    Aqua: Example.

    Aquamarine: Example.

    Azure: Example.

    Beige: Example.

    Bisque: Example.

    Black: Example.

    Blanchedalmond: Example.

    Blue: Example.

    BlueViolet: Example.

    Brown: Example.

    BurlyWood: Example.

    CadetBlue: Example.

    Chartreuse: Example.

    Chocolate: Example.

    Coral: Example.

    CornflowerBlue: Example.

    Cornsilk: Example.

    Crimson: Example.

    Cyan: Example.

    DarkBlue: Example.

    DarkCyan: Example.

    DarkGoldenRod: Example.

    DarkGrey: Example.

    DarkGreen: Example.

    DarkKhaki: Example.

    DarkMagenta: Example.

    DarkOliveGreen: Example.

    Darkorange: Example.

    DarkOrchid: Example.

    DarkRed: Example.

    DarkSalmon: Example.

    DarkSeaGreen: Example.

    DarkSlateBlue: Example.

    DarkSlateGray: Example.

    DarkTurquoise: Example.

    DarkViolet: Example.

    DeepPink: Example.

    DeepSkyBlue: Example.

    DimGrey: Example.

    DodgerBlue: Example.

    FireBrick: Example.

    FloralWhite: Example.

    ForestGreen: Example.

    Fuchsia: Example.

    Gainsboro: Example.

    GhostWhite: Example.

    Gold: Example.

    GoldenRod: Example.

    Grey: Example.

    Green: Example

    GreenYellow: Example.

    HoneyDew: Example.

    HotPink: Example.

    IndianRed: Example.

    Indigo: Example.

    Ivory: Example.

    Khaki: Example.

    Lavender: Example.

    LavenderBlush: Example.

    LawnGreen: Example.

    LemonChiffon: Example.

    LightBlue: Example.

    LightCoral: Example.

    LightCyan: Example.

    LightGoldenRodYellow: Example.

    LightGrey: Example.

    LightGreen: Example.

    LightPink: Example.

    LightSalmon: Example.

    LightSeaGreen: Example.

    LightSkyBlue: Example.

    LightSlateGrey: Example.

    LightSteelBlue: Example.

    LightYellow: Example.

    Lime: Example.

    LimeGreen: Example.

    Linen: Example.

    Magenta: Example.

    Maroon: Example.

    MediumAquaMarine: Example.

    MediumBlue: Example.

    MediumOrchid: Example.

    MediumPurple: Example.

    MediumSeaGreen: Example.

    MediumSlateBlue: Example.

    MediumSpringGreen: Example.

    MediumTurquoise: Example.

    MediumVioletRed: Example.

    MidnightBlue: Example.

    MintCream: Example.

    MistyRose: Example.

    Moccasin: Example.

    NavajoWhite: Example.

    Navy: Example.

    OldLace: Example.

    Olive: Example.

    OliveDrab: Example.

    Orange: Example.

    OrangeRed: Example.

    Orchid: Example.

    PaleGoldenRod: Example.

    PaleGreen: Example.

    PaleTurquoise: Example.

    PaleVioletRed: Example.

    PapayaWhip: Example.

    PeachPuff: Example.

    Peru: Example.

    Pink: Example.

    Plum: Example.

    PowderBlue: Example.

    Purple: Example.

    Red: Example.

    RosyBrown: Example.

    RoyalBlue: Example.

    SaddleBrown: Example.

    Salmon: Example.


    SeaGreen: Example.

    SeaShell: Example.

    Sienna: Example.

    Silver: Example.

    SkyBlue: Example.

    SlateBlue: Example.

    SlateGray: Example.

    Snow: Example.

    SpringGreen: Example.

    SteelBlue: Example.

    Tan: Example.

    Teal: Example.

    Thistle: Example.

    Tomato: Example.

    Turquoise: Example.

    Violet: Example.

    Wheat: Example.

    White: Example.

    WhiteSmoke: Example.

    Yellow: Example.

    YellowGreen: Example.
  6. At the end do [/color]
  7. Cool I got it
  8.  No offense but her repeated failures are amusing.

    That's a lot of colors 

    Second _Warrior 
  9. yay you got it 
  10. Yay she got it 

    Like a bawse
  11. Second _Warrior?


    You made me confuzzled :\
  12. Congratumalations! It's always hard to first learn BB Coding, but after that's it's easy!
  13. _Warrior helps out around PIMD with his threads.

    I'm just comparing you to him 
  14. Well Thankyou TBB
    (can I call you that? )
  15. thanks Jorden and Cookiemonster!
  16. I hope that works :\
  17. thanks Cookiemonster and Jordan!