How Do I Say This?

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -Ali-Touched_By_Weeping_Angels, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. That is Jo's favourite way to reply lol
  2. Jo you need an upgrade
  3. Chapter 21 ~ Carlos

    I kept ignoring her because I have to, but I didn't like it. She genuinely scared me with how angry she looked compared to the softness of earlier. Today I was putting my heart into this performance but only two people, possibly three if she has figured it out yet, knew that. As the song finished, Noa sat opposite me and Kafi left the stage with Lian. They had to change slightly before One More Night and Ana wasn't a part of that so she left as well.

    "Why did you do that?" I say to Noa as part of the scripted part between songs. "I had to, couldn't see you with her after us."
    "There's nothing special between us."
    "But you still came."
    "Because I don't have her any more!" I yell slamming my hand down on the table and Noa squeaks as she jumps in her chair. Most of the people jumped in their seats which is what we were aiming for. "There's nothing you can do about that now, but I have something to show you," Noa replies, grabbing my wrist as I walk past her, so I pull her up with me, walking off stage.

    That was Kafi and Lian's cue to sneak on stage in a strange ambling crawl they some how came up with. A few laughs were heard round the hall before Noa went storming onto the stage. "You and I go hard at each other like we're going to war," I start singing as I follow Noa onto the stage, my hair ruffled slightly. Noa takes up the next line so Kafi and Lian start dancing around us as we chuck the lines between us. It was silent in the hall as they watched, everyone entranced.

    When it came to the last 'got you stuck on my body, on my body like a tattoo,' I was stood with my feet and arms spread out slightly, Kafi peering round my waist from behind, her curled leg resting on mine. Lian was wrapped around the bottom of my leg where Kafi's bent leg was at the top. Noa was pressed into my side, her body going with my leg. The hardest part was ignoring them as I sung the line and the all moved off me after, but Kafi was mirroring my actions behind me for the rest of the dance.

    When the song ended, Ana joined the line Kafi, me, Noa and Lian had formed joining us for the bow. The drama teacher spoke first, "you're all in for drama." That was expected. Then what the dance teacher said next caught everyone, apart from Kafi off guard, "Kafi and Lian you're in for dance too. Carlos, I'll like to see you at dance on Mondays as well as Wednesdays." Ana, Lian and Noa all looked at me in slight shock and Kafi smirked. That little minx had been expecting this all along, I bet she done it on purpose. We exited the stage as we took the headsets off. I gave all the girls a hug "you all done brilliantly," I say and they nod; Ana, Lian and Noa going back to the hall and then probably out to the car park.

    Kafi was still smirking "you choreographed the dance like that on purpose didn't you?" I ask and she grins so I pick her up and start tickling her sides. "But you're with me more," Kafi whispers slowly. I smile and stop tickling her, supporting the top of her legs "that is true," I murmur before kissing her neck. Her fingers curl in my hair slightly so I put her down and kiss her lips softly. "Come on, let's go and wait outside for Felix, but I'm getting changed first," I suggest. Kafi nods, heading out into the hall in her black denim short shorts, white knee high socks, red crop top and converse. How can she be this adorable and have no one falling over her feet because that's how they really feel and not because they got asked to. My eyes flick to my twin on stage, playing the guitar for the song Iris. Why is he doing this? Unless he thinks he can win Ana by doing this.

    I walk to one of the back rooms and get changed before heading into the hallways, looking for Kafi. When I found her, she was stood with Oceane having a conversation. "How long did it take to teach Carlos the dance?" Oceane asks, smiling, not noticing me just down the hall. Kafi showed Oceane her phone after she finished typing "he already knew most of it? Seriously?" Oceane questions amazed and Kafi nods. I can't help smirking. It was something I kept quiet as I didn't want to be judged by others. Although it certainly helped with getting my build and maintaining it; I can easily chuck Kafi around and catch her.

    Oceane shakes her head slightly, trying to figure out how to respond. She turns away from me before looking back at Kafi thoughtful expression on her face for a moment. "You know how you write about him on your blog..." Oceane starts, causing Kafi to blush and nod, "I thought I would let you know he feels the same about you. There's no way I can deny that." I lean my head on the wall, watching them, as Kafi looks at her feet before typing something in her phone. Oceane looks at the phone before smiling sadly "I know he won't admit it because he thinks he's protecting you." That was true, I have never told her how I felt about her as I knew it might scare her. But with what she done earlier, I know she isn't that scared. Maybe she is on how she feels but she seems to be settling into it easily.

    Kafi nods before looking away from Oceane and that's when her eyes meet mine. Oceane follows her inert gaze before her lips part slightly in shock, like Kafi. "I'm just going," she comments before disappearing down a hallway. Kafi was still frozen to the spot so I approach her, pulling her into a hug. "How much?" She whispers.
    "Enough," I reply, "come on." I slip my hand into hers, giving it a small squeeze, she keeps hold of my hand as we walk to the door. Just before we reach it, she slips her hand out of mine but I don't feel crestfallen like before.

    Ana was stood by Noa's car, talking to the sisters as me and Kafi sit on a wall near Felix's car. Not long after, Ana joins us as the sisters go and an awkward silence settles. "Kaf, you looked like you we're expecting the teacher to say for Carlos to join dance," Ana comments.
    "So?" Kafi replies quietly.
    "It happened on purpose."
    "Yes and no."
    "Showing the strengths of people you least expect it from," Kafi says slowly, stuttering on the longer words. Ana gives me a death stare when Kafi turned away. "Who choreographed it?" She asked when she got bored of boring holes into my skull.
    "I did," Kafi replies smoothly. I give Ana a smug look as Felix comes out.

    Immediately Felix heads over to his car so we all hop off the wall to follow him. It doesn't take long before we are at the Patel household, dropping off Ana and Kafi. We wait until they are indoors before we drive on. "Ana wasn't happy with the dance," Felix comments.
    "What makes you say that?" I reply smirking as Felix grinned.
    "She was shooting daggers at you with her eyes through the whole dance. That's how she managed to shout without trying that hard."
    "I gathered that. I found it funny when mostly everyone jumped." Felix laughed,
    "Yeah, that was. Is the table okay?"
    "My hand isn't."
    "It's still red."
    "How the hell did you manage that?"
    "Wait a minute, Ana went off script with her first line..."

    Felix sits there in thought "yeah she did. It was meant to be what's this message? Or something like that."
    "Yeah that was it." Had she figured it out or not? It was hard to tell. Felix turned the car into our sweeping drive and parked beside my car. Corbin was sat on the steps going up to the door smirking at us. When we got out the car with our bags, her intentions became massively clear. "A little bird told me that someone will be doing something else instead of being hung up waiting for Kafi on Mondays," she comments loudly, "actually make that two little birds." I reach across and slap Felix round the back of the head.
    "Hey, it wasn't just me. Kafi probably said as well," Felix grumbles and I roll my eyes before going inside.

    Thursday evening passed quickly after sorting out the history project. Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday passed easily until it was the first time for dance. I was sat in the dance studio with Kafi and Lian, watching others come in for the practice. I knew a lot of the people so my nerves started dissolving until the teacher came into the room, smiling when she saw me. Kafi squeezed my hand before standing up, Lian standing as well. With a sigh I followed suit.

    Corbin soon joined our small cluster as the teacher was checking who was here. Her auditions had been the first ones to go on so she got home at her normal time, the school didn't want to push her hearing box even though it could take it. She sailed through, her confidence had grown from her first auditions last year.

    The teacher cleared her throat at the front "we are going to start working on the Halloween performance for this year. The three songs have already been selected, along with the main singers and dancers. Those 7 are seniors as always and they'll mostly be taking the lead most of the year. You will all have your opportunity to show off at Halloween because it's going to be organized chaos. Any questions?"
    "Who are the 7 seniors miss?" Corbin asks and everyone's attention goes to the teacher. She smiles before glancing across at Kafi, Lian and I oh no... Please say it's not us... Kafi must of saw my turmoil as she squeezed my hand again. "We have three in here now," the teacher replies, causing some of the others in our year to have smug faces until they work out that there's more than three of them in their clusters.

    "One has only joined us for dance this year, but his consistent performances with the school. The two girls have been here since the beginning. Any more?" The teacher asks. One of the other seniors look at our small group "what? You're going with them?!" She shrieks, causing Corbin to cringe and press into my side. The teacher scowls "you, out. We're having nothing like last year here again." The girl storms out, her friends not far behind her. Kafi and Lian smirks as the group settled from the disruption so I peeled a reluctant Corbin from my side. "Go to your friends," I whisper, giving her a small push.
  4. Does anyone have some constructive criticism for me?? (apart from the not very helpful woah Kat)
  5. I am really enjoying reading this. I love how you change the perspective of the characters stories. By doing this we ad a reader find out a bit more about that character
  6. hi! Thanks for your comment sweetie, that was the aim i was trying to achieve. I'm not adding in the viewpoint of any other characters, it's just staying as Kafi predominantly, Carlos and then Felix. I know Felix hasn't shared his view in a while but there's a reason for that... Anyway, as I've just finished writing a new update and there are no mistakes *touch wood* so enjoy!

    Chapter 22 ~ Kafi

    Carlos was quick to move Corbin when he worked out who was the seven seniors. "The songs are from Progress. The second one won't seem that relevant at first, but it will make more sense later. The other four will be here in a minute," the teacher instructs. Ana, Felix, Noa and William walk in the studio a couple of minutes later, Ana looking straight at how close Carlos was stood next to me. This could be interesting... Noa drags her across to us with the others as she seemed rooted to the spot. Felix smirked just managing to sling an arm around Carlos's shoulder "so senior seven huh, this could be fun."
    "Cindy screeched when she figured it out," Lian comments.

    The teacher cleared her throat "so it's Kidz first, with Felix taking the main lead as a ring leader. It will be manic on stage, but you will have to be at certain places when you need to be. None of you have problems with smoke bombs do you?" No one raised a hand so she continued, looking back at her clipboard. "The next song is more technical as The Flood. Ana, Felix, Noa and William will be singing through the whole thing. Carlos and Lian you'll only be singing at the start before you diverge. You'll go back to singing again later while Kafi leads the rest of the dancers. The last song is SOS, where Carlos will be leading with the singing, Felix doing other bits. William you will be acting, rather than singing." Carlos paled slightly, he never liked leading when he was uncomfortable. He was really uncomfortable now, he moved Felix's arm off his shoulder in an attempt to hide it.

    The teacher looked across at our group, "you four go back to music, this is all I needed you for." Ana leaves without a word; Felix, Noa and William leaving after saying quick goodbyes. The teacher showed us part of the routine for Kidz. Carlos picked it up easily and was smiling by the end of the hour and a half. I was happy that Carlos was enjoying it.

    Lian had walked ahead of us talking with Corbin, leaving me walking with Carlos "how was that?" I whisper. I had been practicing with Pascal which had seemed to be going well so far. "That was better than I thought it would be ," Carlos replies, smiling at me. I can't help grinning in response "good."

    It's been a week since Carlos asked me to be his and I'm not regretting it. He's been leaving me notes on my phone, in my bag or giving me little gifts. Carlos used to do that when I first joined the Patel's, but then he stopped and now I've realised how much I missed it. Now I'm starting to notice the habits he's slipping back into since we've been together; there is definitely no way I can deny the evidence supporting what Oceane said. This boy is definitely in love with me like I am in love with him. But would it be too soon to mention that yet and I haven't told him what he said in his sleep.

    The drive home was fun, not. Corbin sat between Ana and me, but Ana was upset about something because she didn't say a word. Even when Corbin spoke to her, Ana blanked her. It wasn't much better when we got in so I just sat in the dining room doing my homework.

    Weeks passed as Halloween drew closer. Ana was apparently having a bad day although she was fine the rest of the time apart from in the car and in the dance studio, so why that excuse I don't know. Noa seemed a bit different, I couldn't quite place it. She seemed to be more defensive about things she had been doing when she was asked. It was probably nothing. Felix was still trying subtly as he knew he really didn't have a chance with me, although Ana seemed to think that he did no matter how much he protested. William seemed a bit funny too, I could quite think of why. We hadn't broached the subject of him in the pictures but there was something bugging him. Only Carlos, Corbin, Lian and I were normal in a sense. We had finished drawing out the WWI scene on the wall in pencil, next week we were going to start adding the paint. None of the class had asked why we were doing something on the back wall, but watching them analyse it each week was good. Almost rubbing our skills in their faces.

    Pascal is now my constant companion around school, the principal had been fine with it. I constantly got stopped in the hallway so he could be petted but he loved it. The pe department also let him run round the course with us when we were training which made it much more enjoyable for everyone. To be honest, he's become the school living mascot. The teachers love having him the classrooms and his tail is always wagging wherever he follows me. My voice isn't strong enough for the Halloween performance, but they might get me to do the opening bit with the others for The Flood.

    It's currently Thursday on the second week of the timetable rotation, and I'm with Carlos all day, again. I'm sat on the front step at ten to eight in a pair of light grey ripped skinny jeans and casual blazer paired with a white t-shirt and Pascal led on my feet. Absent mindedly, I pet Pascal's head as I drift into my thoughts. Corbin has asked if I can stay round theirs the night before the Halloween performance which dad was fine with as he knew I was protected there. I have a feeling she asked more for Carlos's sake rather than her own. But that doesn't bother me. I get to spend most of Thursdayand Friday with the boy I love.

    Carlos pulls his car up onto the drive, snapping me out of thought. He smiled more when he saw me with Pascal on the step. I stood up, grabbing my bag as Ana waltzed out of the house. She was in a happy mood for once. Carlos and Felix shared a look that mirrored my thoughts as I climb in the car after Pascal. We all watched Ana climb into the car "what?" She asks and we all turn away mumbling
    "Nothing." Carlos drives us to school and the car gets swarmed as soon as we arrive for Pascal. Today he didn't want to get out the car, typical. After I climb out, I try to pick up Pascal but only succeeding in dragging him a couple of centimeters. Carlos moves me out the way when I stand up and picks up Pascal a lot better than I could, so I grab his lead as Carlos puts him down.

    Pascal sits down my feet, receiving fuss for about five minutes until everyone moves away. Ana and Felix had already gone in as they were getting fed up with the crowd, well Felix wasn't but Ana was so he followed her like a puppy. When the crowd was gone I noticed Carlos leaning on his car watching me like always. "What?" I ask, bending slightly to pet Pascal's ears and scratch under his chin. Carlos chuckles quietly "did Corbin ask you to sleep round before the Halloween performance?"
    "Yeah she did, last night."
    "When she falls asleep at nine did you want to come in with me?" I straighten before walking past him to the school building "I was going to anyway." I smirk when I hear him moan quietly as I was swaying my hips slightly more on purpose. He jogs to catch up with me "you know that isn't fair," Carlos whispers. I grin as I look at him, poking his arm "then don't watch," I retort.

    We stop at our lockers, grabbing our books for history before going to the classroom. "Morning sir," we say as we enter the empty classroom. Mr Levesque looks up as I take Pascal off the lead by the door. "Morning Carlos, Kafi and Pascal," he replies, bending to greet Pascal who had charged to the front of the class to see him. "How are you today buddy?" He asks Pascal who barks quietly in response, wagging his tail which I'm surprised that is still attached to his skeleton. When I sit down, Pascal comes back to me, sitting between mine and Ana's chairs. I pet his head before sorting my books out tucking my completely loose hair behind my ears, Pascal rests his head on my lap looking between Carlos and I. "What is it buddy?" I ask and he whines quietly in response. Admittedly he has seen us kiss a couple of times because he's always been with me. "I know but we have to hide it," I whisper before kissing the top of his head.

    The class file in after that, everything seeming normal. Quiet chatter flowed easily, Ana joining in more than usual. Pascal was all over the room which I could tell from the numerous surprised "oh hello you," and his tail thumping on the floor. Nothing really struck out as being abnormal when the lesson finished and we exited the classroom to go to our lockers.

    Veronika was leant on Felix's locker, blocking both his and Ana's. Oh yay. Ana's face changed slightly when she spotted Veronika, this could be interesting to watch. Carlos glances at me and I know he was thinking the same. Lian smirked at Ana as they walked to the lockers "can you move please?" Ana asks Veronika politely, now I'm scared she rarely uses that voice. She wouldn't do anything stupid will she? Veronika looked at Ana like she was crazy, rookie mistake number one.

    Ana looked back at me, chuckling quietly, I shake my head subtly, warning her not to do anything. She turns back to Veronika who hadn't moved. I could easily take both of them out, Ana was 5'6 and Veronika was just slightly taller. Pascal whined quietly, so I patted his head to momentarily soothe him.

    Ana repeated what she said "I asked if you could move so I can get my stuff out my locker." Her tone was less polite this time.
    "You really think I'm going to move?" Veronika replies crossing her arms. Rookie mistake number two. Carlos and I step forward slightly, both ready to grab Ana if we need to. No one had really stopped to watch, things were occurring like usual around us, oblivious to the possible carnage that could occur.

    Felix stopped just behind me "not her," he groans quietly and I smirk.
    "You started this game, what about finishing it?" I reply, stuttering slightly. It was loud enough for Ana and Veronika to hear me and look at us. Felix blanches, gripping the back of my blazer unconsciously, trying to figure out what to do. "And you called me a wimp after slamming my hand on a table," Carlos comments before walking towards maths, his stuff already in his bag.
  7. This is so good
  8. Chapter 23 ~ Kafi
    Carlos had told me about that conversation in the car because he was scared Ana may of figured it out. However she hasn't. I hope.

    Felix looked between the two girls quickly "look just go, I don't want you here," he finally said to Veronika. She stepped close to us, Felix releasing my jacket as she does.
    "But I want you baby," she purrs. Jeez I feel sick. Felix chuckles quietly before walking round me to his locker
    "Well that's a shame as I want someone else." Veronika opens her mouth but shuts it again. She stalks off down the corridor as Felix gets his maths stuff out before walking down with me to maths. I could hear Ana and Lian laughing as they got their stuff and followed.

    "Any plans in the next few weeks?" Felix asked casually. This is a different tactic, he hasn't used this one yet.
    "Busy," I reply. He shrugs slightly
    "Or is it you're too busy to see me?"
    "Are you sure? As you know how funny I can be."
    "And you're not being funny now so try again," I comment before stopping by the maths classroom.

    Carlos was leant on the wall the other side of the door with a raised eyebrow before Pascal nudged his leg so he can get attention. He chuckled before crouching down and playing with Pascal.

    Felix stood beside me as I watched them. "You don't have to do what she says," I whisper. Felix looks at me slightly surprised and caught out,
    "You don't always have to do as she says." Felix chuckles before putting an arm round my shoulder and kissing my temple.

    I didn't feel anything, not like with Carlos as there was always heat and new energy from his kisses. Felix's kisses couldn't trump them. Carlos glances up, stiffening slightly when he saw Felix's arm around my shoulder. I give him a thumbs up with the hand holding Pascal's lead as if to say I'm fine. He looks back down at Pascal as he gives him a scratch under the chin.

    The teacher opens the door "oh I did hear voices, I thought I was going crazy," she comments, her eyes sparkling in amusement. I grin as Pascal tugs me into the room
    "We won't tell anyone you're crazy miss," I reply, stopping by the table I sit at. The teacher giggles walking to the front of the room
    "I'll keep you to that Kafi." Carlos chuckles as he sat at the table on my right while Felix sits on my left. Pascal sat between Carlos and I watching the door as the rest of the class enter and take their seats.

    About half way through the lesson the teacher told me to write a sum on the board. I nodded before standing "sit," I say quietly to Pascal showing him my hand in the stay gesture. He let me get halfway to the board before following, obviously Carlos noticed too late. I rolled my eyes as some of the girls cooed and giggled about Pascal. Gripping the pen, I write the sum out quickly before crouching to pick up Pascal's lead and head back to my seat.

    When I sat down Carlos looked at me smirking; he may have let Pascal go on purpose. Pascal looked at Carlos wagging his tail more than usual. Yep that boy is screwed later. I smirk at Carlos before turning my attention back to my work.

    Glancing up I look at Ana's back, she could have stopped Pascal as well but she didn't. What was going on? There had been a couple more conversations that Carlos recorded on his phone as evidence. Ana was still adamant that pulling me from Carlos will help my speech. But he hasn't hindered me, he's always helped.

    Our last period today was a free so we usually head home early as all our work is completed. Ana does an academic after school club Thursday anyway and Felix gets a lift home with a friend usually when it's Carlos's turn to drive. As it's lunch before then we tend to have lunch in fifteen minutes then leave. Pascal is glad of it too as he doesn't get any more hassle he can just relax.

    English dragged like usual and nothing odd happened as we scrawled away in our books. Pascal lead on my feet throughout the fifty minutes. When he shifted into a position that really wasn't comfortable, I nudged him gently making him move which he did rather reluctantly most of the time.

    When I was sat by Carlos in photography while we done research I realize that Pascal isn't by my side. That doesn't surprise me. Since he's joined me Pascal has been inspiration for photography projects of other students. I look round to spot Pascal with James. Pascal had his head tilted slightly with his usual slight dog smile so his was happy as his tail brushed the floor.

    Turning back round I notice Carlos has adapted what I was searching for and something similar to what I want to do is more obvious on my screen. I smile and squeeze his hand in thanks. He grins at me before removing his hand from mine and typing on his word document. But he has two on his screen; one for work and the other which he was currently typing on as a one sided conversation. I frown slightly before I work out he is typing to me when Oi! A bit slow today sweetie aren't you? appears on the screen. Carlos rolls his eyes as I type my response on my own laptop It wasn't that obvious at first, you typed it like a diary...
    Maybe it was meant to be like that
    You let Pascal follow me didn't you???
    Carlos didn't type an answer.

    "You did?" I hiss quietly and he chuckles
    "I thought Ana would grab him but she didn't. When she heard Pascal coming she used the opportunity to turn back to face me and kill me with her eyes." I frown slightly, looking back at my laptop screen.

    Carlos takes my hand in his as we're at the back of the classroom, our actions not as noticeable to other students. He smiles at me reassuringly "she's just trying to be a good sister."
    "By trying to emotionally blackmail you to shield me away from you," I struggle slightly saying emotionally but Carlos listened patiently.
    "She thinks she is doing the right thing."
    "Well she isn't. Is she blind to see what she is trying to do isn't working at all?"
    "Just let her be stupid. We have something she can never change remember?"

    I'm certain my cheeks go bright red. He cups one of my flaming cheeks in his other hand turning my head to face him. "Everything will turn out fine for us in the end, we will always have each other. No matter what." His steady voice matched with his icey grey eyes make me believe that is true. I have to trust him like he trusts us. We can survive this year and longer if we try, if we make it work. But I will always love him even if he moves on to someone else like Oceane. That won't happen will it? Trust, that's all I need to remember.

    Carlos squeezes my hand before letting it go and Pascal headbutts my leg. I smile and pet his head beforegoing back to my work as the teacher approaches. For this project I was looking at mythological humanoid figures. So fairies, pixies, elves, centaurs that kind of thing. Oceane wanted to help when I was stood talking to her and Carlos brought it up.

    I know she knows about Carlos and I but she hides it well like she did with my blog. Carlos hasn't said anything to dad which I am glad about otherwise he'll have me for breakfast.

    The photography teacher glances at our work briefly before continuing his walk. He didn't really mind us two not always doing our work in lesson as we produced our final pieces in plenty of time. Several times he has asked to have a copy of our work to display or use.

    Pascal was following him round the class sniffing at his heels. I frown watching as the teacher was oblivious to his follower. "Carlos..." I say causing him to look up
    "Yes Kaf?"
    "What about him?"
    "Look." I point out Pascal following the teacher and Carlos frowns as well.

    "He was a sniffer dog wasn't he?" Carlos comments.
    "He was training to be one but he wasn't good enough," I reply as I remembered.
    "For what?"
    "For drugs or explosives?"
    "Which one?" I frown again trying to remember.

    Pascal sat down by the teacher's desk drawers and froze. Carlos looks at me slowly as my eyes focused on Pascal's slightly raised right paw "he's indicating a find isn't he?" Carlos whispers and I nod.
    "I think he was a drugs dog. Well I hope so," I murmur. Everyone else still hasn't noticed Pascal by sir's desk. I can't exactly say sir why is a sniffer dog indicating at your drawers can I? Pascal leant forward and touched the drawer with his nose when he saw me and Carlos watching. "What do we do?" I whisper panicking slightly.

    Carlos holds my hand again "Kafi, breathe sweetie," he whispers. I nod distracting myself by playing with his fingers as I watch Pascal, he still hadn't moved. Carlos clicks his tongue like he usually does with Pascal, he twitched to move but he was still waiting for one of us to check the drawer.
    "He wants us to check the drawer," I whisper.
    "We can't," Carlos replies quietly, his fingers brushing mine gently as I play with them.
    "I know."

    I reach into my bag for one of Pascal's toys causing Pascal to perk up. When he spots the fox stuffed toy in my hand he pads back to me and Carlos, taking the toy from my hand gently. Pascal lays down across my feet, resting his head on Carlos's feet as he hugs the toy close. That was his reward like in the brief spell of training he would have had. His gaze remained fixated on the drawer trying to get either of us to check it.

    Carlos kissed the back of my hand before going back to his work. As it was based off of Beliefs Carlos was using us but taking the pictures in a way you wouldn't know who it was. It was just simple things like interlaced fingers, little touches or gestures in reminder, that sort of sweet romantic things. No one would suspect those pictures would be us. Not with one picture of our feet where I'll be wearing my dance shoes and Carlos will be wearing his trainers for cross country. It's devious really hiding sonething right under their noses.

    Soon we packed up and Pascal was whining quietly as we exited the room, still trying to get to the drawer. He carried his toy in his mouth to the cafeteria.
  9. I'm so sorry I haven't updated sooner, I've been trying to create this chapter in a way that will lead nicely into the next one. Also I have been editing this story and placing it on a place where it is free to read which starts with w. The version of the story there is under the same name but set up slightly differently with the chapters. But anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

    Chapter 24 ~ Kafi

    Pascal looked happy with himself as he sat by my legs in the cafeteria.

    I picked at my food but ate it within the usual fifteen minutes. "How did photography go?" Ana questions looking across the table at me then at Carlos beside her.
    "Fine," I reply smoothly.
    "Then why does Pascal have his fox?"
    "He um... Um..."

    Ana raises an eyebrow, not impressed with my sudden lack of a sentence. The amount of times I have wished it was the other way round with my sisters. I would rather have Elesa here right now as she wouldn't be killing me with her eyes.

    "You know he was trained as a sniffer dog?" Carlos comments for me, resting his folded hands on the table.

    It was one of Ana's things that she had to know where his hands were, it was the same with him sitting on the opposite side to me. To be honest it was ridiculous but he had to do it to avoid death by stares.

    "Of course I remember he was a sniffer dog," Ana replies glancing at Carlos briefly.
    "He indicated at one of the drawer's of the teacher's desk," Carlos comments casually causing Ana and Felix to spit their drinks that they just had back out; spraying me with the contents of their mouths.

    I cringe as I grab the tissue that Carlos offers me and wipe the liquid off my face. "Sorry," Felix murmurs.

    "They were training him on drugs, but he done a couple of the common explosives," Ana mutters.
    "What?!" I exclaim quietly and the whole table (Carlos, Ana and Felix on the other side; Lian beside me) turn to look at me.

    Carlos was biting the inside of his lip; warning me with his eyes to calm down and breathe again.

    Ana watches me with feigned interest.
    "Which one did you think he done?" She questions.
    "Which paw did he lift?"

    I hesitate to answer and Ana takes the opportunity to leach venom into her voice, "what paw did he lift?"
    "I'm not sure," I stutter.
    "How can you not be sure?" I flinch backwards as she spoke and eventually pick up my stuff and Pascal's lead before heading to the cafeteria exit.

    "Kaf don't go, it was just a question," Lian calls after me, looking extremely confused.

    I have been flashing back too much recently and people are starting to notice. It's been alright in drama as I go with it's just acting, but anywhere else it's not excusable.

    Pascal whines quietly, nudging my leg as I walk, as my sudden departure made him drop his fox.

    I hear Carlos hiss "that was out of line and you know why she came across to here instead of staying in the UK," quietly to Ana before grabbing his stuff and the toy. He caught up with me and handed Pascal his toy back.

    "You need to start standing up to her instead of letting her walk all over you," he comments as soon as we leave the cafeteria.
    "Says the one who is following what she set out," I murmur.
    "I'm letting her think that she has control, there's a difference."

    "There's something else I need to point out," I admit causing him to look at me.
    "And that is?" He asks curiously.
    "She doesn't know why I'm still here."

    Carlos freezes "what?" His voice comes out small as his eyes widen. I look at the floor guiltily as we near the reception.
    "Only mum and dad know," I mutter and he groans hiding his face in his hands.

    We sign out, let Pascal get in the back of the car and I slide into the front passenger seat. "I told her she crossed a line," Carlos mutters before shutting his door and starting the engine.
    "I know. I'm sorry I didn't say that only mum and dad know," I respond.

    He smiles at me with guilt ridden eyes so I take his hand in mine "it will be alright," I reassure him. Carlos nods slipping his hand out of mine and driving to my house to drop Pascal off...

    Today was Thursday of the second week rotation again and the Halloween performance was tomorrow night. I packed an overnight bag leaving it by the front door so I could pick it up later. Ana was sorting him out tomorrow morning.

    Dad is in good spirits today but somehow the school roped him into doing a bit for our performance in SOS. He jumped at the opportunity to do it, although what he's getting in return I have no idea as we are making him look a bit like a fool.

    Carlos pulled up in the drive as I stand on the step and Ana comes charging out the house just ready to go, again. We get in the car to get to school and Pascal got out on his own accord being the first one out the car, but luckily I grabbed his lead in time.

    The day passed normally with Pascal indicating the drawer again once the photography teacher left the room with most of the students. Well I say most, there was only Carlos, Pascal and I in the room.

    Carlos stood and went up to Pascal "what are you doing?" I hiss standing up and following him quickly.
    "Checking what it is," Carlos replies covering his hand with a sleeve and opening the drawer slowly.

    I keep glancing at the door as they have only just left and someone would have forgotten something. But they didn't come back.

    Carlos looked through the drawer where Pascal was budging with his nose to find some small bags. "Do you think he counts them regularly?" My eyes quickly counts the tiny bags, there must be around thirty.
    "If he didn't want to get caught, then no," I whisper.
    "Good," Carlos replied slipping a pouch in his pocket.

    He shuts the drawer and we head back to our seats. I give Pascal his toy as he lays between us proud of himself.

    The rest of the class and the not-so-innocent teacher walked back in ten minutes later but we both pretend to be too engrossed in our work.

    Ana didn't question us when we practically downed our food in ten minutes and left the cafeteria. We drove back to my house, I unlocked the door as Carlos locked the car. He followed me as I let Pascal off his lead.

    Pascal trotted into the lounge curling up on his bed.

    I turned round to lean on the wall by the door frame, Carlos stepping close to me. Gently he pinned me against the wall, giving me enough space to move away if I needed to; he learnt that the hard way.

    I tipped my head up slightly to meet his dipped head and kissed his lips softly. He responded immediately by interlacing our fingers. It wasn't possessive in any way but it was sweet and loving.

    He pulled away slightly earlier than I wanted him to. There was playfulness written in his eyes which glittered as he spoke "swimming?" He offers and I roll my eyes.

    I move out of his grip, grab my bag off the floor and go upstairs to my room before he could stop me. He follows me and opens the overnight bag I've discarded on my bed.

    As I grab my purple and white tie dye bikini top and bottoms, Carlos pulls something out of the bag. "This is my top, you said you put it back," he comments. I turn round with my towel in my other hand to see the grey checkered top in his hand.
    "I never said where," I point out and he rolls his eyes before putting it back in the bag.

    I add my swimming stuff while he walks to my wardrobe. He grabs a couple of other outfits and underwear sets "what are you..."
    "Staying over for the weekend, Ana is going home with your parents, you're coming with me," Carlos says, zipping up the bag.

    He takes the bag out to the car so I crouch beside Pascal, downstairs, and kiss the top if his head "be a good boy for Ana tomorrow," I say quietly. Pascal wags his tail as I stand up, his head tilted slightly in confusion.

    I head out to car, locking the house up, sitting beside Carlos in the front passenger seat.

    We spend a couple of hours in the pool. After I stood drying my hair with the hair dryer before leaving it down with its natural parting and then the fringe I had styled in recently thanks to Elesa.

    Carlos also dried his hair with the hair dryer before spending about five minutes longer than I did in front of the mirror, styling his hair again.

    We have our dinner with his parents and I go upstairs with Corbin just before Felix gets home. I think he's been told Corbin has a friend over but not told who.

    Corbin sits behind me in her pajamas while playing with my hair as we watch movies until nine. I was in Carlos' grey checkered shirt and shorts already and then I left my hair down.

    "Night Corbin," I whisper as I head to the door.
    "Night Kaf," Corbin replies sleepily as she snuggles into her blanket. I turn off the light and slip into Carlos' room.

    He looks across at me where he was lead on his sofa, the TV on quietly. Slowly a grin creeps onto his face as he takes in my figure in the dim light. "No," I state causing him to chuckle.
    "Why not?" He replies suggestively.

    I raise an eyebrow and chuck a pillow at him. He manages to catch it but rolled off the sofa in the process. Carlos starts laughing as he stands and I smirk at him. I pad over to his double bed but get rugby tackled onto it before I can sit down.

    Carlos pinned me face down on the bed, his breath tickling my ear as he laughed. "I thought you said no," he teased before kissing just below my ear.
    "To what you're thinking about. I just want to sleep," I whisper, moving a hand towards his side.

    "Not a chance, your hand is coming nowhere near my side," Carlos comments as he grabs my hand then moving it back to by my head. He traces my side lightly with a hand before turning me over and kissing my lips. "Budge up, this bed is big enough for both of us," he teases as he pushes up more so I can move onto the bed properly.

    I roll my eyes before climbing under the quilt and appearing at his pillow, he climbs into the bed beside me.

    Instantly his warmth surrounds me as he wraps an arm around me and pulls me to his side. I grin as I rest my head on his bare chest, watching the crime show playing on his TV.

    Carlos turns off his lava lamp making the room darker. I wrapped myself around him more, cherishing the warmth his mostly bare body gave off. Just as the credits start rolling my eyes slowly give into sleep. So I tuck my head into his neck. He kisses my head "sweet dreams hummingbird."
    "Only about you," I whisper before the darkness takes me for the night in his arms...
  10. Awwwwww ♡♡♡♡
  11. Chapter 25 ~ Felix

    Corbin has managed to convince mum and dad to have someone sleep round for the night. I don't know who, but they must trust them enough not to disturb any patterns.

    They were already in Corbin's room by the time I got home from gym where I had been with Daniel and Gabriel, two of the decent football players at school.

    Gabriel knew about my situation with Ana so he set up that conversation in English to see her reaction. Ana was definitely jealous of someone else potentially having me.

    She knows my reputation but still wants to play the game. I'm surprised if I'm honest, she's watched me fly through about at least 15 girls in the space of 8 months. The longest lasted just less than three weeks.

    They got fed up of me rather than me getting fed up of them like everyone thinks as I always wear a mask.

    Only Carlos, Corbin and Kafi know what is behind this mask. I'm not going to add Ana to that list any time soon; especially with what she's trying to do with Kafi. I wouldn't dare do anything like that to Carlos.

    I ended up with a black eye for a week or so Monday night when he got back from the Patel's. I definitely deserved that. How he found out is beyond me...

    He has someone that he is keeping from everyone. Someone from school that he has fallen in love with. He's always been hung up on Kafi since we first saw her in dad's therapy office so how has he managed to get over her?

    Every time I have seen them she's been hidden. She has always been shielded, a mystery. I know it's a girl because they are very feminine hands that have been locked around his.

    How did he become stuck in this mess? I don't want him to be like me.

    Glancing at the time I see it's gone ten past ten. I stand up and wander down to Carlos' room, hesitating when I see Corbin's room. That'll have to wait until the morning, twins come first.

    What am I going to say? He's always been quick to figure out my goals in a conversation.

    I knock on his door quietly to get a slightly husky "yeah?" In response. Pushing open the door I'm predominantly met with darkness, apart from his TV which he is watching a police drama on.

    When my eyes adjust I spot the figure nestled into his side. They seemed comfortable and well into sleep as their chest rose steadily and softly. The hand curled by Carlos' jaw is the female hand I think I have seen wrapped around his hands over the past weeks.

    Who is this girl? Especially if she has this much of a hold on him.

    Carlos seems comfortable, but half asleep, as he was judging me stood just in his room.

    "I was going to ask if you wanted to play a game on a console, but I didn't know you had a guest," I comment.

    He frowns slightly, looking a bit confused, before tilting his head slightly. Understanding crosses his face when the girl stirs slightly, hiding her face more in his neck. "Um yeah, she can be a bit of a light sleeper with movement. Side effect of childhood events," Carlos comments.

    I nod before looking away from the happiness and comfort he has.

    "Do you know who Corbin has over?" I question.
    "Someone from dance," Carlos replies easily.
    "They were quiet."
    "Movies work wonders."
    "That's true."
    "They're probably nervous about tomorrow."

    I know for a fact Carlos is nervous about tomorrow. For himself and for Kafi. It will be the first time Carlos dances for the school performance and the first time Kafi sings publicly. Senior year is definitely turning into a lot of firsts.

    "Who is that?" I ask cautiously causing Carlos to bite the inside of his lip.

    He's suspicious already, must be someone he really wants to hide.

    "Just wondering, after all she is sharing a bed with my twin," I respond.
    "The girl you've seen me with a couple of times," he admits quietly, causing my attention to go back to him and the mystery girl.
    "When do I get to meet her?"
    "You already have met her."

    That's someone I know? Could she be Corbin's friend staying round?

    I know Kafi is staying Friday and Saturday night as my parents offered to have her.

    "I know her?" I clarify.
    "Very well."
    "You got one of my ex's with you?"

    Carlos scoffs "come on, I prefer not to have the people who rejected my twin in my bed. Besides, I wouldn't touch any of them with a barge pole." I couldn't help laughing at his candor, to be honest I don't why I fell for half of them.

    He absent mindedly played with the girl's hair. He's had plenty of time to settle in this relationship then...

    "Yeah, I made some bad choices."
    "Some?" He scoffs again causing me to chuckle.
    "Alright, all of them were bad."

    The girl stirs, moving her head up the pillow to Carlos' ear but her face is still hidden. "It doesn't matter who it is, if you don't sleep soon you'll have nightmares or flashbacks tomorrow," Carlos says softly.

    Kafi seems to flashback recently but it wavers slightly depending on the day. It's getting more obvious to me although she tries to hide it. She would flashback if she had barely any sleep...

    Wait a minute, is that Kafi?

    My eyes flick quickly between the girl and Carlos. The quilt is too thick to judge her figure and by the looks of it, she is mostly wrapped around him. Carlos kept her pretty much secured to his side trying to protect her, like he does with Kafi after a bad flashback.

    My eyes widen slightly "shut up," Carlos warns me quietly like he's guessed thoughts. I look between them again trying to work it out.
    "We'll talk another time."
    "Alright, alright. I'm going to bed, see you in the morning."
    "It's not like you have a choice," Carlos jokes before I walk out, shutting the door quietly behind me.

    I'm composing a text to Kafi as I pad across to the door of my room to head to breakfast. Morning, hope you had plenty of rest last night as the show won't wait if you fall asleep in the dressing room. F I press send when I reach the bottom of the stairs and head towards the kitchen.

    "I did have plenty of rest last night... How do I say this?" A girl whispers.
    "Eejit," Carlos and Corbin comment at the same time.
    "I did have plenty of rest last night you eejit," Kafi states as I stood frozen in the door watching.

    Kafi is the friend Corbin had over and Carlos didn't know? Or he did and hid that he knew. Or that was definitely Kafi in his bed or did I imagine that conversation; it's a bit fuzzy.

    I look across at Carlos who had a hard look in his eyes. The Promise was etched all over them, like before Kafi found the body or the conversation the night before that. Definitely, probably, Kafi.

    "Do you know what eejit means?" I comment heading to the cupboard to get a bowl for breakfast.
    "Of course I do, it's Irish for idiot. Already made you breakfast," Kafi comments quietly, pushing a bowl towards me slightly. My eyes snap to the bowl before I pick it up.
    "Thanks Kaf, why can't do my breakfast for me C?"

    "Because you're big enough and ugly enough to do it yourself," Carlos replies before Corbin can. I roll my eyes as Corbin giggles and Kafi grins.

    "I was looking for something to do," Kafi starts, "I was up early for once, went for a run, had a shower, got changed, sorted my bag out and still had time."

    "Did you take someone with you?" I ask.
    "Of course she did, she knows the ground rules," Carlos comments. Kafi and I glance at him before turning our attentions to breakfast.

    Kafi is wearing black ripped skinny jeans, a white T-shirt and her cross country varsity jacket which is grey on the body and white sleeves. Number 1 is printed on the front left of the jacket in purple to indicate top female runner. Our school logo is printed on the right, cross country printed underneath.

    Carlos has on a black and white tie-dye T-shirt and grey slightly washed out jeans. His cross country jacket was left undone, but the number one in blue represents top male runner. I was a close third, Max just managed to get second.

    Corbin has chosen to wear a red and white short sleeve checkered top and normal blue skinny jeans. Her purple dance squad hoodie is lead across her lap.

    I, however, am still only sporting my pajama bottoms, obviously being the last one up. My bowl is empty so I put it in the sink before running upstairs to my room.

    Sitting in a small pile on my desk were photos. That's odd, why are there photos? I walk over and turn cold when I see them.

    They're ones of Ana and I on the first day in the playground. One of us just talking. One of her grabbing my arm as I walked away. The largest one is Ana kissing me, but I was definitely kissing back which I hadn't realised at the time. There is also a multi-shot of Ana slapping me; real mature Carlos...

    But the message I got was "you say about me and Kafi to Ana, these get spread around school when you get a girlfriend."

    I don't want Carlos dead because of Ana. Even if he wasn't bribing me with photos; I would rather help my twin be safe. I won't rat him out to someone who will not hesitate to kill him and make it look like an accident easily.

    Just before I exit my room in a sport T-shirt and jeans, I grab my cross country jacket as the top three seniors are the captains and need to set an example.

    I come down at ten to eight to see Corbin leant on my car while Kafi and Carlos get in his car.

    "We're stopping off at Rachael's and then Kel's," Corbin comments.
    "So we aren't picking up Ana," I ask.
    "No, you were told that you are taking me and my friends to school and bringing them back to ours, remember?" Corbin replies with sarcasm in her voice making me glare at her. Corbin giggles as she settles in the front passenger seat "that's a no."

    I pull out our drive, stopping by Rachael's house to pick her up. We do the same for Kel who:
    1, is the year below me.
    2, is definitely hot in the cross country uniform.

    I park in my usual spot after honking the horn to clear the students.

    Kafi smiles and winks at me as she points out Ana walking towards school. Is it that obvious who I look for?

    I smirk before leaning on my car opposite Kafi by Carlos on his car.
  12. I'm not sure on everything I have written for this chapter, so I need opinions and constructive criticism

    Chapter 26 ~ Kafi

    I can tell when Felix arrives as he blasts the horn to get rid of the students who were with Pascal.

    He came in Carlos' room last night causing Carlos to tense up, which made me wake up.

    What Carlos said about the nightmares was true as I woke up with tears streaming down my face. Also I punched him on the arm when he tried to lay me back down. That went down well...

    I'm glad these cross country jackets are warm as I tug the sleeves down to cover my hands.

    Jess, Max and Via join us for the Friday morning discussion. "You guys have the performance tonight don't you?" Via asks.
    "Yeah, the delightful performance," Carlos mutters.

    He still isn't comfortable with leading a whole song. At the end of SOS, he had to catch me with one arm half the time or I would have fallen off the stage during practices.

    Max chuckles putting his hands in his jacket pockets "grow a pair, you'll be fine," he comments.
    "I've been telling him that since the start of the year," Felix adds causing Carlos to glare at him.

    "Alright enough with the death stares," Via orders.
    "Tell Ana that, I'm still getting them," Carlos grumbles.
    "She's still doing that? Felix sort her brain out." Via looks at Felix who throws his arms in the air.
    "What the hell! Who have you told?" He protests glaring at Carlos and I.
    "Dumbass, the only reason she does cross country is to watch you," Via replies.

    Felix looks at me "is that true?" Pascal's lead is under my foot so I hold my hands up in surrender. "That's a rumour going round the team," I reply.
    "Kaf, has she said that?"
    "I don't break my promises."
    "What about last..."
    "She has said something like that before," I interrupt quickly, as I put my arms down, before he can say about last night.

    Jess and Via look at me curiously as I never interrupt people.

    "Why haven't I heard this rumour?" Felix questions the group.
    "Because you're too busy talking to Ana you eejit," Via responds so Felix glares at her.
    "See when I called him that," Carlos nudges my arm before I can say this morning at breakfast, "in this sort of situation his jaw dropped. Must try harder V," I joke hoping no one noticed.

    Max chuckles as he pulls a sheet out of his pocket "so where we left off yesterday as a certain two girls couldn't focus due someone taking his shirt off as they spilt a drink."

    Now I remember the string of curse words coming from Carlos' room as I walked past and glanced in. The laptop was also open with four boxes on the screen which I managed to see before Carlos stood up and turned round. Then ushered me to go quite rapidly with "just go before they see you," and swearing.

    "What do you mean yesterday?" I question looking round the group.

    Jess looks at Via and then back at me. "We had an unscheduled conference, but a certain someone wouldn't answer their call," Jess says.

    I had left my phone in Carlos' room so I could have time with Corbin. "I left my phone somewhere," I comment.
    "What about your laptop?"
    "I wasn't..." Carlos interrupts me by having a coughing fit.

    "She wasn't at home last night," Felix says bluntly, making everyone's attention go to him; including Carlos giving him a death stare.

    Via gasps in realization looking between Carlos and I. I shake my head slightly warning her not to say anything. Instead she grabs me and Carlos by the arm, as Jess grabs Pascal's lead, dragging us towards the school building.

    "Talk to you two later, we're briefing the main captains," Jess yells back at Felix and Max who looks confused about their sudden outburst.

    Via shoves us into an empty classroom causing us to stumble. Jess shuts the door behind her "start talking," Via orders.

    Carlos and I share a look again, both not sure what to say.

    "Alright lets try this where you can only answer yes or no," Jess comments.

    Carlos groans hiding his progressively reddening face.

    Via grins at Jess before asking "Kafi, were you at the Miller's house last night?"
    "It's not a house but yes,"I murmur.
    "What was that? I couldn't hear you," Via says in a sing-song voice.
    "Yes," I grumble.

    "Carlos did you make out with her?" Via asks.
    "What the hell!?" Carlos replies.
    "That's a yes. Was that Kafi who looked in while Carlos was cussing?"
    "Yes," I answer to get contradicted quickly by Carlos,

    I glance at Carlos who looks at me from behind his hands.

    "Want to collaborate your stories? Well actually take that as yes," Via mutters.

    Carlos takes his head out of his hands just as Via smirks. She's going to bluff something. "Do you know we've caught you two making out about twenty times this school year," Via states.

    They definitely haven't but Carlos jumps the gun. He steps closer to Via his posture stiff "I swear if you spread..."
    "Sweetie she's bluffing," I say and then cover my mouth with a hand as Carlos stares at me.

    Well that slipped out.

    Jess gives Via a high-five. "Told you," Jess comments, "you missed the cuteness in photography."
    "You're in photography?" Carlos questions quietly.
    "You focus too much on Kaf for your own good sweet."

    I didn't know she paid attention to us, but I knew she was in there. Carlos looks back at me "did you know?"
    "I didn't think she paid attention to us," I reply quietly.

    "Hey!" Jess protests, "I only heard let her be stupid, we have something she can never change and we will always have each other." She does something on her phone as we all stare at her. "How can you deny photographic evidence?" She shows us a picture of Carlos cupping one of my red cheeks in his hand.

    Well if I'd be damned.

    Carlos starts pacing the room and I follow him with my eyes. He really needs to calm down.

    "That cannot under any circumstances reach Ana," he says.
    "Of course it won't..." Via starts but Carlos interrupts.
    "It needs to stay in this room. Ana doesn't need another reason to kill me."
    "That's a bit extreme."

    "Have you met crazy Ana?" I ask quietly. Both Jess and Via shake their heads "she's really extreme."

    "We won't say anything. Kafi can kill us if we do as you'll be dead," Via jokes looking at Carlos. I shake my head
    "You haven't seen him protecting me. He's just as bad as Ana, probably worse." Carlos wraps his arms round my waist from behind.
    "I'm not that bad," he comments.
    "You haven't see yourself in those moments," I reply.

    Jess and Via smile "so when are you telling Ana?" Jess whispers, handing me Pascal's lead back.
    "When someone else has a major screw-up. It's bound to happen," Carlos replies. Jess laughs as she heads to the door causing Carlos to slip his arms from my waist.

    "Jess," I say quietly before she can go. Jess looks back at me
    "Yes sweetie?"

    "If Mr Davis gives anyone a pouch from his drawer, can you let me know?" I ask. The two girls look a bit lost over my request. I slip my hand into the front pocket of Carlos' jeans, causing him to tense slightly. I take out the drug pouch making it seem like it came out my back pocket. "If you see him give anyone this, just tell me. We're handing this over to my dad tonight," I say and Jess nods.
    "Will do sweetie." We all exit the classroom to head to our first lesson.

    Jess joins our table for photography looking at our ideas. "I take it those photos are going to be you and the mysterious lover," she says to Carlos who grins at her.

    Most people know about Carlos having a girlfriend but not who it is. So that's the name that they've come up with.

    Mr Davis wanders around the class before stopping at our table. "Lets have a look," he asks so we turn our laptops round.

    His glazed eyes look over our work before he points at Carlos' screen "are you revealing your mystery girl in the pictures?" Me and Jess stare at him in shock before switching those gazes to Carlos.

    To make a show of it, I cross my arms "what mystery girl? Why haven't I been introduced to her?" I ask. Jess snickers behind me at Carlos' torn expression.
    "Um. Well... Um. It hasn't come up in conversation," he improvises. He needs to work on that.

    "Well I'll leave you lot alone. Have fun trying to make it up to best friend, unless she is your mystery girl," Mr Davis comments before walking away. Jess' laughter catches in her throat, making an odd sound
    "Please say he was joking," she whispers.
    "I don't know," Carlos and I whisper back.

    Everyone in cross country who are in the halloween performance were called to do cross country training last lesson instead.

    Carlos and I are standing by coach Martin, Raphael's brother, waiting for everyone.

    There's still a slight mark on Carlos' arm where I punched him this morning. Coach notices as well "have a fight with the lover?" Carlos spits out the water in his mouth onto the floor.
    "Excuse me?" He asks.
    "The mark on your arm."
    "Oh, she got scared and hit me instead. Side effect of childhood events." Coach raises an eyebrow but knows not to pry. He glances at me and I turn my attention to watching Pascal.

    "Do you know who she is?" Coach asks me.
    "Me? Oh I don't know who she is," I stumble over my words.

    Coach looks between us before his eyes settle on my shoulder "is that a love bite?" I look at my shoulder to see the red mark and slap Carlos on the arm.
    "You could have said," I hiss.
    "I didn't know we had training today," he replies. Then we both remember about Coach.

    He was smirking at us "well I guess I owe Raph twenty dollars," he comments. They placed bets on which twin I would end up with?!

    "Don't tell Ana," I whisper.
    "Don't tell Ana what?" He replies as everyone starts coming out to join us for training.

    Pascal runs towards them and tackles Felix to the ground before sprinting back. "Come back here," Felix yells chasing him, stopping im his tracks when Pascal hides behind me.

    "Intimidated by a dog Miller?" Coach asks.
    "What are you on about I've never been intimidated by her, him," he quickly corrects himself but I slap him around the face anyway.
    "You deserved that so get over it," coach says when Felix goes to protest.

    Carlos smirks as he moved me away a bit so coach can grill Felix and so I can calm down.
  13. Wow that's alot
