Bump! Going to see if I can get an update on today or tomorrow, I've been busy with college and forget to write the updates on the bus XD
Bump, can probably get an updat e by the end of today, watch out for it! I've been busy recently with college, football and other things which just keep piling up, thanks for your patience... Ali ^_^
and it's done... The long-awaited chapter 11. I'm sorry I haven't been able to do it sooner, but college, football and stress have been piling up recently. I hope you enjoy! Ali Chapter 11 ~ Kafi Maybe I was wrong to react to what Felix said the way I did. But by the looks of it, they saw my reasoning. Possibly I'm just too scared to ask Felix for help. Maybe I just want a couple of people to know to start off with and gradually increase the number. But I've set myself a goal to sing for the school by the end of the year. Hard, and worth the rewards. I hope. Carlos still has me in his arms so I poke the back of his neck to get him to put me down. Which he does, something else has happened, I can sense it. I glance at Felix who is looking everywhere apart from me and Carlos. It was Ana then. We still have most of lunch left and Lian joins us as we head to the music room. I grab my dance stuff out of my locker and so does Lian. Ana was already in the music room with a space cleared in the middle. This room was definitely sound proof, we had tested it so many times just to see. Me and Lian change into our performance clothes in one of the practice side rooms and when we come out, they're all ready. Carlos was sat on the drums with a small smirk. Ana and Felix was setting up, trying not to look at each other. Lian glances at me and I shrug in response. We get into position just before they start the introduction, so me and Lian start doing our work. The tension between Ana and Felix is obvious, but with Carlos singing as well, it gives the song a new tone. This time Ana and Felix aren't working together as well as Wednesday, they didn't even do most of the things they done then. I can tell Lian is conscious of it as well. As soon as we finish, Lian is already on it "what the hell you two? We need to look like we're enjoying it, not like we have a knife to our back," she says looking between them. Ana glances at Felix before looking at me "tell them," Carlos says from behind them. Both Ana and Felix glare at him then and he chuckles. "This isn't funny," Ana says quietly, her voice amplified by the microphone and she turns it off. "Then you both need to do what we done on Wednesday so we get into clubs. It's just not you two that matter in this group," Lian says and Felix nods. Ana looks away busying herself with sheets of work she was doing before we came in. Carlos drums a small beat from Catch My Breath again so we run through it one more time. Ana and Felix work together better this time, but they still need to talk it out. When we finish the second rehearsal, Lian picks up her stuff and goes to the door without saying a word. I pick up an acoustic guitar and start strumming Without You, playing the intro a couple of times. Carlos and Felix pick up on the song and Lian stops by the door, listening. She stays briefly before leaving, shaking her head slightly. Felix starts singing the song, with Carlos taking the backing lyrics. Felix strums on his guitar as he sings and I smile as I play, glancing Ana. Carlos grins, doing the same as me. Felix was singing with his eyes shut, so he couldn't see the small tears in the corner of Ana's eyes. I play the last bit on the guitar and Felix's voice goes a bit too high causing Ana to giggle. Felix opens his eyes to see Ana smiling with tears rolling down her cheeks. Carlos gives me a thumbs up for my quick thinking and I grin. Ana put down her guitar a while ago so she hugs Felix "I'm sorry," She says quietly and Felix puts his arms around her hesitantly. I know that was still going to be a block between them, but they'll work around it. The music teacher slips in quietly before starting a beat on the drums and I grin as Felix plays the guitar. Carlos stands with the microphone and starts singing Life Is A Highway. He sings it approaching me before spinning me under his arm. Ana takes the next verse smiling. They continue to the finish of the song and the music teacher looks between us "what song are you using tonight?" He asks. "Catch My Breath," Ana replies and he nods in response. "Sir, I thought you weren't meant to know," Felix questions. The teacher chuckles "I'm not there tonight. I'll do your drums for another practice now if you want," he says looking between Ana and Felix. I nod as I'm in his eyesight, so they start Catch My Breath again. My movement starts as soon as it needs to, but it feels different without Lian. Ana relaxes more this time, doing what she done Wednesday with Felix. Carlos took William's lyrics, sometimes his voice a bit stronger than Felix's. I hold one of the positions I was meant to for a moment and I spot them both smiling, so I grin before continuing. The music teacher applauds us from his seat, then he stands "the principal should love that," he says smiling at us before walking out the room. The principal? Oh great. Ana looks between me and Felix "we definitely have to do what we done Wednesday," she says quietly and we all nod in agreement. Carlos looks at us, "what about Lian?" We all suddenly turn to him in quiet realization. "That's what you were writing earlier on the flash card before I pointed it out," Carlos comments, making my eyes widen slightly, "I should of noticed who you were writing about." Felix looks round at me, "You know?" "Know what?" I sign back. "Don't play innocent," Felix threatens slightly causing me to step back wincing. "Hey don't speak to her like that," Ana counters, reaching a hand out. Felix pushes the hand away, scowling at me before leaving the room. I look between the two people who know me the best, trying to figure out what to say. "What is it that you're talking about?" Ana asks Carlos, turning away from me. He meets my eyes over Ana "depends what he wants you to know." "Know about what?" "let him tell her." I sign just after Ana's comment. "I think you got to let Felix tell you, I don't know what he knows and wants to say about." Carlos replies as if I hadn't signed anything. Felix comes back in to pick up his stuff, not looking at any of us. "Felix, say something please," Ana begs quietly, causing him to freeze as he stands. He looks between the three of us "what have they said?" Felix asks curiously, no longer angry. "Nothing, they wouldn't say," Ana frowns slightly, glancing away from us three. Felix looks at Carlos and I gratefully "okay, I'll have to explain another time, next week probably after trials blow over." I glance at the time and go into the side room to change back into my normal clothes. They were packed up, while I stood in the side room and watched them, chatting quietly between themselves. Carlos looked a bit angry at something, and it takes a lot for him to get angry. Unless it's about me, but what could they have spoken about? When I push the door open, they fall silent, Carlos breaking off from the other two and walking out the room. I watch him leave, he seems more tense than normal, "what happened?" I signed when I turn back to them, my head tilted slightly. Ana and Felix share a look before turning their attention back to me "it doesn't matter at the moment," Felix lies. "you were talking about me." "No," once again, another lie from Felix. I look away, thinking. "you know I know when you're lying." I sign when I stare back at Felix. He quickly shoots Ana an I-told-you-and-you-didn't-listen glare "does that really matter now?" He asks timidly. "Yes," I say quietly before walking out the room. Their eyes follow me out the room, but they stay where they are; making no move to stop me. I look around for Carlos as I stand in the middle of four corridors. He wasn't anywhere in sight until a hand gets placed on my shoulder gently. His smell drifts around me and I smile as I turn, his eyes meeting mine. The icey grey sharpness catches me out every time my amber eyes meet his. I don't know what it is but they always know how to trap me. Always made me feel safe. My eyes don't want to pull away from his soft gaze, they never do. He stares almost adoringly at me. Why have I never noticed before? He was always doing stuff for me, even when I didn't want to. Like the hug earlier in homeroom, or lending me his top last week. Well I don't blame him for that as their stares was annoying, but again, he was looking at me with care, with love. How could I be so stupid to not see it before? Maybe that's what Ana has spotted as well and wants to keep him away from me. My mind was swirling again and Carlos put his hands on my upper arms, steadying me. There, he's done it again. Why have I been so stupid for one of the brightest students in the school. "Are you okay?" Carlos asks quietly and I nod in response. "Are you sure? You look a bit..." I cut him off by hugging him, wrapping my arms around his waist tightly as I lean my head on his shoulder. He relaxes and chuckles quietly "it's nice to see you too." This time I know he's telling the truth. Carlos pulls away from the hug "come on, let's go to English," he says and walks off before I could protest. I catch up with him easily, although he was walking slightly slowly, just so I could. There it is again. pull yourself together Kafi and calm your fluttery heart I mentally remind myself as I fall into stride beside him. Like always, we arrive early to English, sitting in our usual seats in the middle of the classroom. Carlos sits on the row in front of me, one to the left of the chair in front of me. Felix sits behind him/beside me; while Ana sits in front of me/beside Carlos. Ana and Felix come in a minute later, as I'm getting a pen or two out, and sit in their seats. I glance across at Felix, who seems a bit more red than usual, and he gives me a casual smile as if an answer to my unasked question. Lian flits in with the rest of the class, sitting the other side of Felix. Gabriel seems to be smirking more than usual, maybe he enjoyed laying into Ormarr and Yury earlier. Maybe he showed them what it felt like to be Xavier. Saying that, Gabriel still hasn't made it past Xavier's desk, obviously checking if he was alright after earlier.
I'm in shock, I've come up with another chapter already. Lol anyway enjoy... Chapter 12 ~ Carlos I had to walk out when Kafi came out of the practice room. My heart had been ripped out and stomped on by Ana's comment. Me stopping Kafi from speaking? That's crazy. Why would I stop her from speaking? Why would I be a distraction? Unless she loves me. That's the only reason I can think of. Ana would know as well, but what does she want Felix to do? That could of been what they were talking about in the playground; where the conversation that didn't make any sense came from. I lean against the wall by the corridor to the music room, knowing I'm out of sight of whoever leaves next. With what just happened, I'm sure Kafi will be confused, so she'll leave the room first. The music room opens and she walks out. Not only have I learnt Felix's steps, I've learnt Kafi's too. My lips spread into a small smile as she stops just in front of me, looking down the other corridors, possibly looking for me. She jumps easily so I straighten and place my hand on her shoulder gently. Her head tips backwards slightly, as if she is taking a breath through her nose, almost like how a fox catches a scent. She done that earlier in the car, looking back towards NCIS headquarters where Zac works. A smile was playing on Kafi's lips when she turned around, her soft amber eyes meeting my grey eyes. Why does her gaze trap me? Make me feel like I can't look away. Something is ticking in her brain though, she's got the same look on her face as she did before homeroom. She's paled slightly and was about to tip sideways so I take hold of her upper arms gently, keeping her upright. "Are you okay?" I ask quietly; Kafi nodding in response. She doesn't seem right, she's still pale. "Are you sure? You seem a bit..." Kafi stops me by bombarding me with a hug. It caught me by surprise so much, I'm too stunned to continue my sentence. She settles her head on my shoulder, keeping me close. I relax, knowing she isn't hurt and chuckle quietly "it's nice to see you too," I say quietly, shutting my eyes. We need to go before Ana spots us then shoots me; to be honest I wouldn't put it past her. I push that thought out of my head "come on, let's go to English," I comment after pulling away from the hug and slowly walking away. Eventually she falls into stride beside me so I speed up a little, getting to the English room quicker. We were a couple minutes early so we sat in our seats in the center of the room. They were in between so we didn't get asked questions that often or reprimanded for being distracted. Kafi sat down diagonally behind me on my right. Felix sits behind me, then Lian on his left and then Ana sits on my right. Speak of the devils and they appear I think to myself as Felix and Ana walk in a minute or two later. However something is wrong. I can easily tell Felix has been yelling. Felix shoots Kafi a casual smile; she was obviously thinking the same as me but made it more obvious. He wanted her to think nothing was wrong as he sat down. A quick glance at Ana confirmed what I was thinking, she was more agitated than usual, given away by her hands. They trembles at the best of times, now they were shaking up a storm. Why are they both being so stupid? Although I can say that about Kafi and me... The door opens again and the rest of the class file in. Lian and Xavier get to their seats quickly, that's when I notice Gabriel stood in front of Xavier. He was talking quietly to him "what did they do before I got there?" I manage to read Gabriel's lips as he spoke. Xavier handed him a note, possibly explaining what happened. He took it and put it in his pocket "alright. They aren't playing for the first two games this season and their training has been doubled. I told them if they do anything like that again, they're off the team for good. I could of let you give them a taste of their own medicine but you had disappeared before I could speak to you." Xavier nodded in response. Gabriel headed towards us, but he had to anyway to get to his seat, a small smirk playing on his lips. He stopped by my table "thank you for having the balls to stop it before it got any worse," he said to us. Felix and I chuckle quietly "it's fine, the new guys didn't need to see that on their first day. They shouldn't of done it in the first place," I reply frowning slightly. Gabriel pats my shoulder "yeah, they're in the doghouse for it anyway, see you guys Friday after hours," he starts walking to the back but stops by Felix. I twist in my seat slightly to watch "give V a shot, she's good," Gabriel comments quietly, winking at Felix before walking to the back of the room to sit down. Ana's head snaps round to face the front when she hears Gabriel's comment, anger obvious in her eyes. This was our last lesson before clubs, there was no way they needed a block like this. Felix looks at me pitifully and I shrug in reply. Kafi was too busy concentrating on something in her book, a frown tugging at her mouth. I flick my eyes to Kafi and Felix looks across at her. He frowns but shrugs as he can't figure it out. I turn to the front again, just before our teacher class her throat. We all immediately start doing our work, pens scratching at paper filling my ears. The lesson flew by and soon we were packing up. Our group walked out, chatting as we headed to our lockers. There was a cluster of people near our lockers, which was nothing unusual; until I noticed they were the cheerleaders. A small frown slipped onto my face what did Felix say earlier? I glance across at my twin. He hadn't noticed unless he was hiding it, and he was doing a bloody good job if he has. A frown was tugging at the corners of Kafi's mouth again as she gets to her locker. She crouches down and opens it to put away her English things. I stay away for a bit, letting her sort herself out, and hoping that the cheerleaders will move. But, of course, they don't. Ana looks across at me worriedly, why would she be worried? When Kafi shuts her locker and stands up, moving away, I go forward to mine. I feel twenty eyes watching me, drinking in my every move. Shoving my stuff in my locker, I turn round to see them all hurriedly go back to what they were doing. It felt normal with about six eyes watching me, but twenty? I can see how Kafi felt earlier. A frown slips on my face again as I get my camera bag out. I shut my locker in time to see Veronika head towards Felix. He glances at Ana, Kafi and I quickly as a silent cry for help. My face doesn't change, but I see Lian glare at Veronika. At first, I thought Kafi touched my arm lightly, but she hasn't moved. I look across, well I should say down, to see Oceane "hi," she says quietly. The frown on my face softens into a small smile "hey, what's wrong?" I ask, the last time Oceane spoke to me was last year, when she needed some help with maths. I don't mind helping Oceane, she was different to the other cheerleaders. She was tiny though, a whole foot smaller than me. Not a foot as in a human foot, but 12 inches foot. She was one of the flyers within the squad, always getting chucked about. I'm surprised that she isn't depressed or anything because the amount of back stabbing in our squad is unbelievable. Kafi's eyes knit together in a small frown briefly before she heads towards the hall with Ana and Lian for their trial. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Veronika almost pinning Felix against the lockers. He was definitely uncomfortable with that situation. I glance down to see his hand closest to me clenched into a fist. "I got to stop him before he punches her lights out," I say quietly to Oceane and she nods "Yeah I would, I don't think she'll want a bruise, even if he caused it," she frowns lightly. Moving away from Oceane, I head to Veronika and Felix. "Right, off you go,"I comment as I pick up Veronika from behind, my hands on the sides of her waist, moving her away from Felix, "otherwise lover boy here won't get into music club this year. Plus you don't want Ana or Lian biting your heels for the rest of the year." Veronika originally pouts but her eyes widen when she heard Ana and Lian. "Yeah that's right, you'll have those two after you all year. So scarper," I comment before grabbing Felix's upper arm, turning towards the music hall. Wewalk off, leaving them by our lockers watching us as we go. "Thanks for that," Felix says sheepishly. "You were going to punch her, which I would of loved to have seen, but it wasn't necessary. I mean mention Ana and Lian, most of them stepped back. Oceane didn't because she knows they're harmless. But goodness knows what they would do if they saw what happened," I spot Felix raise an eyebrow when I mention Oceane. Ana, Kafi and Lian were waiting for us outside the hall, William hovering in the door way. All their eyes lit up when they saw us walking down the corridor. Hang on... Why would William be happy to see us? I glance at Felix and he shrugs his shoulders slightly, them barely moving from their original place. We were both thinking the same thing then. As a group, we entered the hall, me taking a seat by Noa. Max filed in after me, Ana and Felix on his heels. Kafi and Lian went backstage to change into their performance clothes. Ana, Felix and William had come in with relatively smart clothes so they were fine. When Kafi and Lian reappeared, they came up the aisle beside Noa. There was only one spare seat as Kafi often sat on my lap and I would give her a small massage, helping her relax. It happened once because she was petrified before her first performance for the school. Then it just kind of kept happening. Kafi's costume consisted of black leggings with rips fashioned into them, paired with a red tight top with a chiffon covering that flowed with the movement. She had left her feet bare and her hair in the same style as it was for school. Like always, she went past Noa and plonked herself on my lap. I glance at Ana, just to see her turn away.
Chapter 13 ~ Kafi As we were waiting for the twins, I couldn't help pondering over why the cheerleaders were at our lockers. They never appear there. Ever. Not once. So what's so special about today? Unless Felix said something. Carlos had looked behind him confused before turning back and pointing to himself in the cafeteria. It was in the direction of their table and they had giggled after, so it had to be them. But what did that have to do with our lockers? Then there was that worried glance Ana shot Carlos just before we reached our lockers. She was agitated when she came into English with Felix. So she was obviously anxious or angry at that point about something. Now I know she was anxious. William joins us, leaning on the frame one of the doors leading to the hall. We were there for about three minutes, my nerves spiking upwards slowly, until the twins came round the corner. My nerves seemed to dissolve when I saw them, well to be honest, I only really saw Carlos. William walked into the hall, the rest of us on his heels. Carlos sat by Noa, who had a spare seat between her and another aisle. Max, Ana, Felix and William followed behind Carlos as Lian and I went backstage. We chose our usual dressing room and I shut the door behind me, all the others were full of last minute rehearsals. I peeled off my grey ribbed top to replace it with my red tight but loosely covered chiffon top. Strategically placed and fashioned rips crossed my black leggings. I peeled my socks off, tucking them into my shoes before placing my clothes back into my bag. Lian had an orange version of my red top, with the same black leggings. She chose to wear a pair of black socks with grips on the bottom instead of just having bare feet. To be honest it doesn't matter. We head back out after I manage to put Lian's hair into a French plait at the crown to a ponytail sitting at the back of her head. The principal wasn't there as we pass the fifth row back, where they usually sit for auditions. We got to where we left the others and I walk past Noa and sit on Carlos' lap. It started from a one time incident and slowly became a habit. Like me always wanting to know he was okay, that he was safe. On my first performance for the school, I was so nervous, Carlos pulled me into his lap and gave me a small shoulder massage. It was one of the best massages I have ever had. Then my shoulders were hurting before the next one, so he gave me another. After that, I didn't really the massages, I just needed to be close to him for comfort and reassurance. Why have I been so stupid and not seen how I really felt all this time... He started massaging my back gently with his hands, not paying attention to the teachers walking in or the first group going up. The principal settled in her seat, her notebook open in front of her. When I found out about Carlos being more sheltered in his childhood because he was looking after Corbin; I wasn't really sure how to take it. Out of the twins, he was the quickest to pick up sign language, so he helped her. He needed a reason to smile more now to make up for lost time. Then I remembered how he loved watching me dance. As it turned out, he already had knowledge on it because he used to go with Corbin. They allowed her to do dance to test her hearing box. The Miller's house is big. Saying it was a normal house was an understatement. I mean they had a heated indoor pool and a small hall with a stage. How is that a normal house? Mr and Mrs Miller call it normal, no one else does. So when I realised watching dancing made him smile, I decided to teach him what I know about it. To say he loved it was an understatement and a half. When we came up with the set list for drama and dance, he was the one who came up with the idea of him dancing with me, to add more depth the dance. To be honest, I loved the idea and they all thought I made him do it, whereas he chose to. Originally, I had choreographed a flat dance, so there was no lifts. But then, Carlos was taking to the dance like a duck to water. This meant I started to rethink my original plan. Occasionally he would lead me into a different move near the end of the dance before picking up the routine again. Then one time he whispered in my ear "trust me," at that point I was confused. He placed his hands on my waist, twisting me to my side. He moved an arm to support my top leg, tipping me back, placing his other hand on the base of my spine. Instinctively, my body leaned back, one foot lightly dragging the floor as he leaned. He pulled me back up and continued the routine. That started a new thought. If he was confident enough to do that, then we could add a couple more in there. The next session we done, he came up with a few ideas... Well, he researched dance lifts on the internet and loved one in particular; wanting to adapt it slightly. How he wanted to adapt it was bringing me down into a hug just before the music ended. Then there was the lift itself. To start off with, I had to lean from him, my right leg extended straight behind me. He took hold of the leg, bringing me back to him, his other hand supporting the bottom side of my chest. Carlos lifts me as he pulls and I have to bring my other leg up, wrapping myself around him as he spins, supporting myself with an arm up his back to his shoulder. To get out of the lift, he lowers my leg and from my arm being behind his shoulder, I end up facing him. His arm from my chest stays at my waist, while the other came up and he brushes my cheek lightly, bringing my head against his chest. I don't think he done that on purpose the first time we completed the lift, but it just kind of stuck. It fitted with the mood of the song and the rest of the dance. To be honest, it was worth it seeing the others reaction when they first saw the dance. Well, Felix saw it first. We had just started the the small music clip I put before the track itself so we could prepare for the dance again when the door to the hall opened and shut. I didn't need to look to know it was Felix. He sat down on the floor, cross legged like we used to do in primary school, doing air guitar when his beat started on the track. Carlos shifting slightly uncomfortably as he stood opposite me was the first hint he was watching... Carlos tickles my ribs, "go on, out of your day dream and show them what you're made of," he whispers in my ear and I try not to shiver. I stand quietly, touching his leg with my hand in thanks. We all, apart from Carlos and Noa, file out our row and head to the stage. The darkness of the rest of the hall hide my blush as I walked to the stage with Lian, the other 4 going down the other aisle. As they pass the teachers, the principal looks at them as if to say where's Kafi and Lian? causing Felix to point at Lian and I, climbing the stairs to the stage, again. Max sits down at the piano stretching out his arms, while William sits at the drums. Ana and Felix take a microphone each, standing in their spots as me and Lian take our positions. Felix takes a quick, sweeping glance around the hall. His eyes catch Carlos who gives his twin a thumbs up. I smile instead of grimacing like I'm sure I might of been doing. "This is Kafi, Lian, Ana, William and myself, Felix with Catch My Breath," he says into the microphone. They start strumming the guitars and Ana starts the song, Felix sweeping the next lot of lyrics. Lian and I moved round the stage in our prepared routine, claps starting with the beat occasionally. Ana and Felix were doing twice as better as Wednesday, but it was always like that in the real performance. I pulled Lian across myself, spinning her under my arm and releasing her quite quickly, us both spinning out in opposite directions. When I held a position while Lian does her solo, I see the principal had abandoned her notes and was clapping with the others. That was the best thing I have seen all day. I just had to do my solo and the last thirty seconds of the dance and we were done. As quickly as it started, the dance and the song finished. Ana, Felix and William joined Lian and I center stage and we done a collective bow, like with every performance. We were showered with applause and Carlos whistled a couple of times causing Noa to break out into a fit of giggles as Max joined them. The principal got a nod from the dance teacher sat beside her "see all of you this time next week," the principal says and we all grin, almost skipping off stage. Carlos and Noa were stood waiting in the aisle when we got there. Carlos pulled Felix and William into 'man hugs' while Noa squeezed, or attempted to, the life out of Lian. Hugs were then shared and then Noa gave me one before the rest of them started drifting out the hall. Carlos opens his arms "come here you," he says quietly and I melt into his embrace. He chuckles again "it still amazes me every time I watch you dance you know," he says quietly and I look up at him grinning. His soft smile that I love greets me again. How could I keep missing this before?!? Once again, he pulls away from my embrace "come on, let's get you home," he explains. Something must be going on that no one has told me about. A frown must of slipped onto my face because Carlos wraps an arm round my shoulder as we walk to the back of the hall "what is it?" He asks. I turn to look at him to see a smile on his face and a frown in his eyes. Not knowing what to say I shake my head, I need to get more evidence first. There was something he wants to say, but he doesn't know how to or someone told him not to. Something was going on. He leads me to the front of school, standing us just out of sight of Ana and Felix, staying inside. Gently he pushes me to lean on the wall. He steps closer to me and I suddenly feel glad I'm already leant against the wall. My legs were weaker from the intense, but caring watch of his eyes on me...