How do I make girls be unattractive to me?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Yahoo1, Aug 3, 2014.

  1. Well...tell them that if they plan to marry you that you will be restrictive and controlling like kim kardashins hubby.
  2. All women want to be free!!
  3. Yes post my picture here. Not gonna happen. If in that kin of guy that won't post a picture in his Facebook page why would I post it here.
  4. Yes, me respecting women makes me gay.
  5. Dont worry its hollywood ^
  6. So we can see if you're a hot douche bag or just an ugly douche bag.
  7. Either way your a d-bag dude ? if u respect woman u show it not say it , I'm 100% positive your a prick :lol:
  8. I dont respect women. Damn i guess im a nice guy now?
  9. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
  10. I don't deny or accept I respect them , but if they love me they can show it by giving me a sandwich ? ?
  11. Fuck that. If they wanna prove they love me, she better swallow.
  12. lol, this is getting bad
  13. It was bad from the get go 
  14. Tell them to back off. That's what I do
  15. Google it escalated ever since op had safe search off :lol: ?
  16. haha! I'm gonna go with... In before lock and I give it 2 more pages.
  17. This guy... just no...
  18. Shave both your eyebrows off and draw them back on with permanent marker… might deter the ladies a bit js