How did you come up with your PIMD username?

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by Hurricaine, May 21, 2023.

  1. I’m a Greek Mythology nerd
  2. It’s my heavenly name. Celestia Eterea, it comes from being heavenly, ethereal, angelic, goddess-like. I had other igns like: AndrieJack & IndigoJupiterTheThird, but they are from completely other places. I wanted an androgynous sounding name to make people wonder regarding my gender because I have observed that people tend to be much kinder to males than females, I already am a bigender woman, so it just worked out perfectly well. My actual name is also in a way androgynous. So that’s what i came up with. Jack comes from the infamous movie franchise The Pirates of Carribean, Captain Jack Sparrow, he shares a bit of my personality tbh. Andrie is from Andrea, Andre, Andra in a way. It’s a part of one of my soul names. I just looked at it as a first&last name. For the second ign, i am an Indigo child who is a Zillenial, i love the color indigo due to its hue and i watched a Japanese documentary that shows where the indigo color naturally comes from and how to obtain it and it kinda stuck with me. I am a Sagittarius ♐️, Jupiter is my lucky planet and I love associating with it. My lucky number is 3. So Indigo-Jupiter-Three became as the 3rd.
    isamu and Seriously like this.
  3. I'm german and one of my favourite bands is the german band "Rammstein". One of my favourite songs of theirs is called "Sonne" which translates to "sun". Apart from it being one of fav songs, my dad introduced me to Rammstein when I was a little child, I grew up with them, being it one of things my dad and I had (he's my superhero). Also, I was born in summer and my always called me his sunshine, so that adds to it. Kinda deep now that I'm typing it out 😂
    isamu, Lumi, Phobia and 2 others like this.
  4. Stole it from Flocc
    isamu likes this.
  5. I love the willow tree and the name and my sister always uses it
    isamu likes this.
  6. Marvel fan that's why I chose most powerful charector.
    isamu likes this.
  7. Chose mine because its really beautiful name but it was taken by an inactive player at the time and I had to write long ass ticket to ATA to get it. One of the many reasons why I respect the team and still playing lol
    isamu, Seriously and Lumi like this.
  8. Sending a help ticket for EVERY name change until I finally found one I liked was such a vibe. I feel like the people who ran tickets back then were chiller too
    isamu, Offthewall and TheSagittarian like this.
  9. I was originally "Nameless_Enby" because I wasn't sure on a name at the time and I'm Non-Binary.

    Anyway, I kept getting attacked by another player and needed to change names. My partner (RS) reminded me of one of our favourite bits "I'm at Soup" from, I think, a Code Geass fan dub.

    And now my nickname is Soup 💜
    isamu likes this.
  10. I believe sfw over a name is against tou. Or at the very least, not giving you a cf
    isamu likes this.
  11. I was helping someone with a story they were writing and my pimd account dorm and character is based off the story.
    isamu likes this.
  12. Big Fan of Health Ledger and loved his Iconic role Joker from the Dark Knight, and Killing_You_4_Fun is a Family Tag started by Dan💕
    isamu likes this.
  13. I moved to a smaller town when I was 8, and when I joined my class, there were already 3 kids in my grade with the same name, and I made the 4th. So we’d go by nicknames. My dad just so happened to be a pastor in town, so most people called me PKE or Ethan the Preachers Kid when describing me to others or when they were talking about me for whatever reason.

    Over the years, that transitioned to people just calling me Preacher instead of Ethan 4 (which is what they called me to my face LOL), then to just Preach. I actually don’t know if I have ever been called by my actual name outside of my close relatives in my home town. I am also not sure why elementary school me didn’t just go by my middle name, but from about middle school until now i’ve just gone by Preach. I went by the nickname until I graduated college a couple years back, and I have started to introduce myself as my actual name now. Though, most people outside of work and family just call me Preach or Preacher still to this day.
  14. Hmmmmm. 🤔

    Sounds simple but yet so hard to answer.

    This will for sure be the last ign for me, done with overthinking and being picky. 😮‍💨 Too many to count. 😭 Here’s a short list.

    Started firstly with -Tengu- (I like the dash, and I also like Tengu at the time)

    I go into a stage where I tried out many names I liked, by looking it up online but found most of them taken

    Julian (some of you now probably realize who I am) I like this name, mostly due to a book I read many years back called Wonder and it’s characters, one was Julian. It’s without a doubt, the ign that I stuck with the most. Simply, the pickiness came back in, and to also create something unique for myself and not just something plain.

    Time flies by, and the recent one was Kai….LordofFlames. I picked Kai because it is short and meaningful. Flame because I like the element, like a lot. I shortly realized afterwards was it’s like Kai from Ninjago.

    This will be the 3rd time and hopefully the last time I used Kai.

    And here is now, simply, I like the name Kai, and DXT is really just random but oddly specific, not really since I took inspiration from YouTubers like TommyNFG and DanTDM. 🫶🏻

    And so, I’ll solidify it here. 🫶🏻

    (edit: man I wrote a lot after seeing it 💀)
    Sapphy likes this.
  15. This is what I need
    isamu likes this.
  16. changed it up now, it’s now a marvel reference 🥳