How did you come up with your PIMD username?

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by Hurricaine, May 21, 2023.

  1. I was born with mine curious to hear how you came up with yours?
  2. Exploring the maori language some more and decided i liked this so i picked it. All my things on here are named based on their maori translation in some way. Apart from rabbit coz the maori word for that is rāpeti and its a trigger word to the censor bot and wouldnt let me do it coz of the 1st 4 letters
    SuckitTrebek, Gatubela and Hurricaine like this.
  3. I have an attitude
    Offthewall, Aei, Baddie_01 and 11 others like this.
  4. Used to be Arsonist in CS. Then changed to Arson during CoD. From there to Arse because I liked short igns on here.
    Dolcezza, Aei, Baddie_01 and 4 others like this.
  5. Was just talking about this in pub.

    It's a reference to a routine of an Argentinian band that does music and humour. If you speak Spanish and know at least the very basic of philosophy, search "cumbia epistemológica- les Luthiers" because it's a must watch.

    Also the quote in my status is from that song.
  6. It’s my irl nickname my bestfriend came up with 😋💕
    Aei, TYARA, SuckitTrebek and 3 others like this.
  7. I wanted a unique ign so I just based it in what I liked.
    Gatúbela in English would mean Cat Woman. I love cats and ofc cat woman too.
    Gatúbela is also a song from a Spanish Artist that I enjoy. My status shows my fave bit of the song <3
    MishySquishy, Dolcezza, Aei and 7 others like this.
  8. Jay n Silent Bob. I like Kevin Smith movies 🤷‍♀️
  9. I picked it because Chloe is my name and I live in the country and I'm a woman. However I put a twist on it and put gal.
  10. because im just that guy
  11. I wanted something short and similar to my real name.
    First tries were Lux, Luna, Lune, Luni??
    All were of course taken so I tried and ended up with Lumi. Didn’t even know it’s a name in Finland. 🥹
    Styx, Aei, PineappleOreos and 5 others like this.
  12. It was night time and i was just thinking how i never get nightmares and somehow the only conclusion i came to is that i must be a living nightmare.
    I must have been half asleep cause that's the only thing i remember.
    Aei, Baddie_01, SuckitTrebek and 2 others like this.
  13. I wanted Allana as it's my name but it was taken so I just put my nickname (al) and added an x together and got this. I dont like it but it's alright
    SuckitTrebek and Gatubela like this.
  14. Try Allana with capital i’s
    SuckitTrebek, Gatubela and aIIana like this.
  15. Ooh good idea! Thank you 💕
    SuckitTrebek, Gatubela and Seriously like this.
  16. I choose it based on what I liked. Bee-cause I love bees, I'm forever staying with this name.
  17. Marauders era fan, wanted a characters name, decided on lily evans as she’s my fav <3 (along with remus)
    Baddie_01, SuckitTrebek and Gatubela like this.
  18. [​IMG]
    One of my favorite pieces of art, Winged Victory of Samothrace.
  19. Mine is a nickname I gave myself.