How Bad is your addiction..???

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -OFH-MICGOZ_V-ll, Jan 29, 2016.

  1. Liek rally bad
  2. I've NEVER heard ppl use this word in my country only ever on this game ... Maybe I should go outside and play.
  3. I know that's not a term in my language, so for me it is a "pimd only term"
  4. They say noob all the time as a joke where I live ?
  5. Depends on RL stress 
  6. :cry: I relapsed
  7. So there pimD players ? also ! KOOL
  8. Yeah, I think it's called being less close minded :) good for you that you recognize this terrible affliction so you can work on your problems.
  10. I first realized I was addicted when I got suspended from school for having my phone out in class playing pimd
  11. This thread is hilarious omg. 
  12. I dream of Pimd? but I dream in chat so basically I'm just reading during my entire dream. Sad AF
  13. Nono, u are addicted. Take that first step bass admit your problem :lol:
    I say that I am because
    #1 if my phone card is about to run out , I'm more worried about missing something on the game than not being able to call friends n family
    #2 forums has become my morning paper that I may or may not read on the toilet every morning
    #3 My friends ask me if I'm playing "war" all the time and yell at me to put my phone down
    #4 people don't understand how a game u need a notebook n a pen to write stuff down in is fun
    Damn noobs.
  14. I'm on bluestacks and I play the whole day or night, :( .
  15. I thought it's a gaming termn, not just imd or Kaw, :?. What about the gamer ava that "eats noobs for breakfast"? :?.
  16. We all got it bad...Every story is hilarious.
    I realized I was addicted, when I notice everybody that holds a phone in my house, have one of my alts.
  17. Lmao my life and hoping they don't get on the app messing up everything
  18. ^ LOL time to go there