House Cup Championship

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Sep 4, 2015.

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  1. ATA, i know u are money hungry, but can u at least have pity on those people who cant afford ecs by reseting owlsnax purchase at noon pdt instead of 24hrs frm the last package purchased?
    Futhermore, whats the point of having an extra hour till 1pm pdt for us to redeem our hoots package when most asians are still sleeping at that time? when we haven't even reached 24hrs from last owlsnax purchase....?

    And also, enough of luck based hunts thank you ?
  2. Dont get farmed... just too many wall posts... every update i was getting bombarded by posts and follows.

    Not an issue now that ive finally fallen below top 2.
  4. Does anyone know how to use the Winged key? It said open Magical Language in the store to get exclusive items. I can't find it anywhere.
  5. You can't use it till the official hunt starts

  6. I dont think its out yet 
  7. We should keep our scarfs from our team?
  8. so tired of hunts.. when will we get back to the war and farming on this game... hunts are starting to become BORING
  9. never
  10. Hunting and hunting
  11. No one's stopping you from warring or farming. Those aspects are always part of the game if you want them.
  12. yes its matter of life or death
  13. I wonder what the other avis will be
  14. Can anyone tell me which team is winning ?
  15. Navyclaw

  16. Ty I m in that team
    Can u tell me where can we see scores
  18. They post it on the WC every now and then
  19. Ty I'll keep an eye yolo
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