House Cup Championship

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Sep 4, 2015.

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  1. good luck in convincing the apes
  2. this hunt goes on the list of the worst hunts ever made, along with every other party hunt
  3. actually old hunts were ok especially when many parties droped not just one regular and one pro , when there wasnt luck hunts, and there was beta wars that actually droped items
  4. ive always hated the party hunts. the war hunts were cool. but these all suck ass
  5. i know but at least you had betas that droped and many parties would drop not only cc and ppa droping max, and one regular and one pro droping
  6. Actually I do.
  7. yeah. thats why i just farm people now. hunts arnt even worth it
  8. Omg lizards =_=
  9. ata bae please i thought we talkd about this???

    no more color battles becausw the losers.always farm the winners ?
  11. Bro Step bruh not potd
  12. Hufflepuff wall arts please lol
  13. suck it up pansie. farmings part of the game.
  14. These color battles aren't what MLK Jr. died for ?
  15. Only way they gonna change is when everyone STOPS buying cats, stops doing flash for a pointless event like this(but we all know that won't happen;)or if tons of players left 1star reviews on their devices respective App Store..
    Your all just spinning ur wheels..
    Was a really nice touch, making the top10 stat items less than (2) of the watermelon helmets.. Kinda makes it redundant(statswise)amirite?
  16. already gave them several 1 star, never bought anything on this account?
  18. since its harry potter theme, hope one day we will have dora hunt theme or maybe barney theme hunt
  19. yay okay 
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