Hooking Up Troll

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RevolutionaryWolf, Mar 14, 2014.

  1. ? Nooo.. You made me do the voice in my head too! 
  2. 
  3. I think more of a singaporean. They talk like that
  4. With lah at the end tho
  5. "me troll your club long time"and right ahli I did the voice in my head to haha that's funny
  6. Your club too buku
  7. 15 dollah she do everyting 
  8. ?oh my dear god, I know what movie this is from.
  9.  omg that made my day
  10. OH MY GOD OP, you're beautiful. Full metal jacket is one of my fav movies. But I love all the Gomer Pile scenes. ?
  11. My copy of Full Metal Jacket is signed by R Lee Ermy

    Ooh rah
  12. bahahahaha love this one
  13. Where are you from private?
    Sir Texas sir
    Texas? Holy dog shit, only two things come from Texas. Steers and queers I don't see any steers around here so that kinda narrows it down a bit, do you suck dick?
    Sir no sir
    Do you love Peter?
    Sir no sir
    Bullshit, I bet you could suck a golf ball through a garden hose
  14. Really Anya? So, you can read he did kinda mention the film in the thread
  15. ^ 
  16. I skip straight to the comics 
  17. Excuses excuses. 
  18. Dude it's 8 in the morning you think I give a fuck? No ?
  19. Seems like you. 