The only person fighting anybody is you. Like accept that pride month is a thing because of a trans woman of colour. Sheeesh :lol:
I'm trying to make one with Wednesday on Wednesday, but she'll make me nut in 3 seconds flat. So the video might be 30 seconds long with all the extra stuff
because i had typed up a whole response and then pimd decided to log me out??? here we go again and it’s gonna be shorter and less formal 1) no you don’t have to know or care about the history of pride to enjoy it 2) people of color and trans folks are often excluded which is the point of remembering that trans women of color kind of started the whole thing 3) it kind of makes you a loser and is disrespectful if you straight up don’t want to learn about the history just because you want to continue to exclude people
imagine if i walked up to you and told you that i think you should be killed/prosecuted/attacked/harassed/fired because you believe in god. that wouldn’t go over well, would it? first of all, the denotation argument for “homophobic” is the laziest excuse ever. yeah, technically a phobia is a fear, but if you’re going to be all high and mighty and intelligent you should also acknowledge the fact that connotation will always win out over denotation. end of story. two, i get the idea that we’re all equal and should treat each other as such, but it’s not fair to tell that to lgbt folks because, well, they are not being treated fairly and equally almost ever. that’s the point of pride. if you won’t accept lgbt people, then you have no right to shame them for calling you a homophobe/“accusing you falsely.”
I don't act high and mighty. My dick is high and mighty. Lol, that's a good one. Phobia is a fear. Not hate. So y'all are incorrectly using a term to make others seem ignorant, when that's not the case at all. A gay guy talk about not being treated equal? Caitlyn Jenner got positive feedback when he got a gender change. Gay people haven't went through the same bs as people of color. Jews went through and still go through more than what LGBTQ members do. Straight women and celibate women go through more. In fact, pride month gets an infinite times more feedback than African American history month. Im not hating, im just saying at least y'alldon't have to suffer as much. Y'all get negative feedback from people who deal with worse stuff and turn FRUSTRATIONS into a HATE CRIME. Y'all want equality and to be respected, then stop the remedial nonsense like making things seem like serious hate crimes or hate when it's not like that at all. Nobody has to accept LGBTQ members, BUT WE ALL SHOULD RESPECT EACH OTHER AND TREAT EACH OTHER AS EQUALS. If you support people being falsely accused as "homophobic" then you cant complain when actual hate crimes are done to you. You reap what you sow and karma doesn't discriminate. Take some time to realize that people don't even accept themselves... So how can they accept you?
okay since you seem so keen on this, i am going ahead and actually going to break this down point by point. as far as i am concerned, you came onto this thread, a thread about the history of pride month, and start spewing weird... well, whatever this is. i am not doing this out of a sense of higher morality; i am simply telling it how it is because my tolerance for overtly bigoted people has dwindled lower and lower over the years. you can take what you want from that, but essentially my point is, YOU came here essentially preaching about equality and definitions as if you know better than everyone here. unless you are a historian, it is unlikely that you, someone who is NOT lgbt+, know much about the history of lgbt+ issues. since you so very much want to debate the entomology of “homophobia” and the idea of phobia, i am going to give you the definitions and synonyms of the words directly from a dictionary: phobia— 1. an extreme or irrational fear or aversion to something. synonyms: fear, irrational fear, obsessive fear, dread, horror, terror, hatred, loathing, detestation, aversion, antipathy, revulsion 2. extreme or irrational fear or dislike of a specified thing or group. homophobia— 1. dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people. so, as you can clearly see, phobia is not just a fear. any aversion or even dislike of any group or thing is considered a phobia. the ONLY time a phobia only means literally being scared of something is as a clinical mental health diagnosis. the term is not used incorrectly. in fact, you are the one using the term incorrectly. i don’t know where you have been, but gay people are NOT treated equally and are not even PROTECTED equally. in my state, it is perfectly legal to refuse housing to someone who is lgbt+, it is perfectly legal to fire someone for being lgbt+, and it is perfectly legal to deny service to someone for being lgbt+. if you consider this equality, then perhaps you should reconsider what it means to be equal. as for caitlyn jenner—your blatant disregard for her gender shows you very clearly do not think highly of trans people or see them as worth the same courtesies as others. caitlyn jenner is a woman, and you should address her as such. and of course there was an outpouring of support—she is rich and famous and white. and, no, not everyone supported and support jenner and her identity. i hear very frequently many people refusing to refer to her as caitlyn, she, or a woman. but because of the status she already had, she will be fine. the same is not so for the majority of trans and lgbt+ folks. and yes, you are correct in that jews, women, people of color are all oppressed and have it hard in this straight, white, christian, male-centric world. however, we are not here to play the “oppression olympics.” perhaps the idea that “gay people don’t have it as bad” is based on modern european and american standards. however, in many countries, being gay is illegal. and, if i am correct, in some countries it is a crime for which you can be executed. so, yes, please tell me how lgbt+ people aren’t oppressed. and no, most negative feedback is from people who do not belong to minority groups. and the actions of a few lgbt+ folks do not represent the community as a whole. and the whole point of this thread is to include women/people of color in pride, and to remind the community of their importance within the community. frustrations are not a hate crime, however lgbt+ people DO face violent hate crimes, including murder, sexual harassment, abuse, etc. and in the vein of not strictly hate crimes, lgbt people are routinely disowned, evicted, fired, verbally harassed and abused, and ostracized. how are these simple frustrations and not severe infractions of human rights? the idea that it is okay to not accept lgbt+ folks but to respect and treat each other as equals is contradictory. you cannot tell someone that you don’t accept them and then turn around and tell them but you see them as an equal. it’s either you think of them as lesser or you don’t. acceptance is required for equality. i 100% support people who are homophobic being called out for it. it’s not a false accusation, nor does it currently even hold and real ramifications besides perhaps an ounce of social backlash. also, i’m sorry? are you saying that because i support that people be called out for their harmful and wrong views that i am not allowed to “complain” if i get fired? or murdered? or assaulted? what a wonderful way to prove what a respectful person you are to others. and, not being able to accept yourself is a personal issue. it does not excuse hate of an entire group.