
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Hoochie, Jun 2, 2018.

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  1. Honestly I feel like tyto should deal with you because they have the patience for y'all, I do not.
  2. So, do you guys mean people who actually hate gay pride with a passion or people falsely accused of hating y'all?? And those who don't care because it has nothing to do with them personally. Don't forget to include Christian heretics and fellow African Americans who've figuratively received a huge slap in the face. But before we break all of this down. Let me give you guys some advice...

    People don't like what's different from themselves. Don't expect people to accept you and don't label them as homophobic just because they don't/won't support you. Phobia is fear. They dont fear you, they dont wish to be involved. Now, yes, many people hate gay people. Those are homophobic people. By creating this thread, you might actually get the negative attention you were looking for in the future. Hateful people plan things out. This wasn't the proper way to gather your allies. But it's not about gay vs. straight. It's not about the truth vs. identity crisis. It's not about you nor me. It's about all of us as inhabitants of Earth loving each other and treating each other with respect and coming to mutual understandings. Cast our differences to the side. Under makeup, under plastic, under silicone, under all these fake things... we're all the same. Flesh, blood, bones, since, muscles, ligaments, etc. What matters the most is not calling each other out nor falsely accusing each other of being something, but bonding together to better the human race. United, we can accomplish anything we set our minds too. We're all made in the image of God after all.
  3. Girl that's so much to read
  4. Sometimes you aren't really wrong.
  5. Imma need one of y'all to condense that because on my moms I'm not reading all that.
  6. You lost me. How did you make the assumption that people were only celebrating the white lgbt community?
  7. Just read the last sentence for the tl;dr version
  8. No, no, no. That's not what I was getting at, or are you talking about op?
  9. Directed towards OP
  10. I'm not a girl. You know this. Why must you categorize me with people having identity crisis? I'm a proud male. I will never give up being able to sexually satisfy a woman and having the muscles to protect them. I refuse to give up waking up with morning wood everyday and looking at it just to say that it's my pride and joy. I refuse giving up, standing and peeing a line of fluid waste. I refuse being able to just be a man and do the dumb stuff we do, like play Fortnite and next text a woman back. This monster in my pants will never go away. I am a male and I am here to stay. OOOOOH THAT RHYMED AT THE END!
  11. Nopes, this thread was created coz you are an idiotic 17 years old thinking that everything is a joke and it's okay yo make people fught each other for fun.
    Doing such kind of things is practically what most evil kind people can pull.
    You are justa terrible Terrible person.
  12. Oof 
    I must agree, this thread was more attention/argument based rather than any kind of informing. If your intent was to educate you probably shoulda gone into detail and put in more thought rather than a quick little post imo

  13. I dont celebrate anything gay so we're gucci
  14. Who is this and why are you so pressed by me? Honestly ? This fan behavior is getting annoying.
  15. Ohh I am me.Haven't been here for the past 5-6 months just came back and found now there are just a couple of people here who create threads to have drama and piss people from different communities off and make them fight each other and laugh.
    Are you that up2nogood guy? with a new account?
  16. Even if you aren't him you are acting like a troll.Honestly if you want to create threads on sensitive topics give some detail about it instead of using 2-3 line to make people go after each other.
  17. For you to call out my "age" you must be in the forum GC or know someone there ? but wild out sweets, I love fans. Should I make a thread for you to beat down your keyboard to broadcast your useless opinion on me?
  18. It's also funny you've tried to address me multiple times and every time you do you're self pinned ?
  19. Ohh so you are 17 lol.
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