Hippo gifting

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by NatsuDragneel_Salamander, Feb 8, 2014.

  1. Guys let's help each other out send the person above u 10 hippos, so we can all get the easier hunt out of the way
  2. I'm expecting 10 hippos 
  3. You will, just posting first so no one posts while I'm gifting
  4. Was talking to nv adrenaline lol
  5. I was here*~*
  6. Tucker u gonna throw off the system if u keep posting. Person ahead of me I'll spam u 10
  7. I keep posting because I want hippos isn't that the point of this? The person you're sending to still hasn't sent my hippos btw
  8. You need 145 people to send 10 each to complete lol.
  9. But now u can't get mine,because I sent the person ahead of me and u post in back of me. Unless u plan to give me 10 more
  10. nice idea