High School Hero

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by OboeYouDidnt, Oct 5, 2013.

  1. I'm chill. Lol. I never lost my cool. Lol
  2. I was talking to the other player.
  3. I'm sorry.. I'm not quite sure what I've done to upset certain players. I actually found my discussion with Anya quite helpful. I honestly didn't feel as though I was arguing with anyone of fueling the fire. That certainly wasn't my intent. I also didn't realize I was spamming either. I was under the impression that forum threads were for friendly and respectful discussion about the thread topic.
  4. Micbow. You are correct. The forums are "supposed" to be fun and respectful but as you can see.
  5. Thank you CeCe for your response. I thought your previous comments were directed at me. I'm enjoying connecting with players on forums. Many people have been a pleasure to chat with.
  6. Micbow, you're not spamming in any way, nor are you doing anything wrong. Some are just ignorant and are quick to jump down on a new player. There are some really great people on the forum, and there are some ******. Don't let anyone get to you, and you will be fine. Speak your mind, state your opinions, and don't care what others say or think because your opinion is never "wrong". Hope you're able to enjoy the game.
  7. No problem. Micbow. My previous messages weren't for you. I'm happy we have more and new players.!! Maybe Jenni over there misunderstood me. But I'm glad you are starting to like PIMD. And don't let the Vets here intimidate you. They don't bite. It's just went through the same kinda problem with KaW users. So don't take it personally
  8. Cece please go back a page and re read your post. Mic was making his comments and right after you made yours, simply saying "you are" and directing it towards him. Your post just came off wrong, and your comments now are completely different from what you said in that post. So, you either changed your opinion, which is completely okay, it doesn't make you wrong either, but I didn't misunderstand your comment. If you read it again, you can see where my comments came from.
  9. No I I know what I said. I only explained what others thought. I never said I had a problem with HSH users being here. So yes you did misunderstand.
  10. If you read a little further. I was only replying to people that was arguing with him until it got to be ridiculous. Hence my first comment "this is getting to be ridiculous". I know what I said. And I stick by what I said.
  11. Either way. It doesn't explain your animosity.
  12. My message was not solely directed towards you mic. It was to all HSH users. So if you didn't get what I ment earlier. I basically said, stop spamming the forums with "useless hate" those were the words used. Not "useless crap" cause we love this game and don't need other app users ruining. So if you like the game play, if not, no use voicing it... Just leave. There is that better.
  13. I agree CeCe. I am ashamed that certain ex-HSH players are voicing their hate against PIMD, and if they aren't enjoying how the game is run, they should leave. I would hope that certain PIMD players would leave HSH forums alone as well (while they're still open). We are all just trying to say our goodbyes right now. In both cases, it's truly sad to see that certain individuals choose to spend their time spreading hatred and animosity. I certainly wouldn't choose to waste my energy that way.
  14. Thank you!! Someone who understands! And for someone who is being accused of bashing you, I say good luck to you and your dorms in PIMD!
  15. Thank you very much. I appreciate everyone who has been open and welcoming.
  16. People who go to HSH from PIMD are just heading into trouble and that's their fault, just saying. That's how people are there and Pimdineers(?) have to put up with it one way or another, sorry.
  17. I just noticed that my post didn't make sense. Nvm, just don't bother the HSHers cuz it's pretty hard stuff getting over our game...
  18. Lol I don't care what's HSHanyway, mentioning u r from that game won't get u any benefits or what so ever?so why keep on mentioning it? It's not like I'm Obama so pls volley me right?(sry,no offence to Obama) PIMD is PIMD accept the fact that u r a newbie and learn it?it's fun learning it and making new friends
    ?P.S it's addictive!!!!!!!