HEY. post of 1 truths and 2 lies

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *lizzie143 (01), Nov 7, 2011.

  1. Ur 12??? Haha im 13!!!
  2. Thats not something to really brag about
  3. 1) I was Born in Mexico
    2) I've had flying squirrels as a pet
    3) I have never eaten a bagel
  4. My turn!

    1. I'm fluent in Française 
    2. I don't have a job 
    3. I've been in a gang 

    Which one is true??? 
  5. U guys answering to j1mbo_slice?
  6. Ya... Whats urs?
  7. Oh demo urs is french 
  8. I have a music vid that was #1 thing on iTunes AND YouTube for a week.
  9. Oops.

    Thats number one.

    2. I have a taco right now

    3. I have a dog
  10. U have a taco right now...