Hey 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-Ava-Jasmine- (01), Oct 24, 2011.

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  1. Okay. Even Micky said. Who cares about Micky
  2. Obviously YOU.

    Because without her, you won't ever be allowed in our club.
  3. No you said Micky agreed not to have me in your club
  4. bub go to bed it's past ur bedtime
  5. Now I'm getting irritated.

    Every damn time she makes a thread, within minutes you've all attacked it. I don't care whose lying, of who said what. That doesn't mean you can all start world war 3 on the thread.

    YOU all give her the attention she wants, so I hold you all responsible for the ridiculous arguments and threads that are continually made.

    There's this word, 'ignore'. Really it's a great word, try looking it up and reading the meaning.

    The thread will be locked shortly.
  6. What rose said..
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