Hey 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-Ava-Jasmine- (01), Oct 24, 2011.

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  1. Bubbass,

    You wanna be club farm?
  2. Ugh....why must bub be so annoying?

    Why cant she use " or " instead of ""?
  3. Aren't they the same 
  4. Yay. I found a new farm for my alt :roll:
  5. Y cant everyone be nice to eachother?
  6. Bubbass must be blind.
  7. I won't even farm her. The cash I get each hit from her is as little as a baby's pinkie.
  8. And stupid.

    She's irritating.
  9. No they are not

    You made me hate to use ""

    And now i only use ""
  10. No I'm actually not
  11. Oh yeah right. You're an idiot. And a racist noob
  12. Yes actually you are
  13. You called me a weird japanese freak!

    Japanese people sing better than you. ^_^
  14. She called you what?
  15. When her baby was "born" she spammed forums.

    What will happen if her virtual baby dies? :roll:
  16. Yea they probably do. I can't sing fir shit
  17. She did.

    She called me "goldfish"

    Said my name sounded stupid like japanese people's,

    Said I looked just ad ugly as japanese people,

    And I fail like them.

    Yet I'm still not provoked.

    Aki might.

    Be careful. K-Wave VIP club might farm. 
  18. :roll: i dont wanna know
  19. Isaac,

    Wanna burn the virtual baby? :3
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