Here's A Couple Ideas

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by JoyBoy, Aug 21, 2019.

  1. Edit:
    So far the ideas we've come up with are

    1. Search bar for showcase
    2. Another option that separates messages from 'other notifs'
    3. A new ign color
    4. An option to send more than one gift at a time
    Keep the suggestions coming, I'm sure if we get enough support and are progressive and on top of it we can get these implemented
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  2. Edit:
    So far the ideas we've come up with are

    1. Search bar for showcase/Alphabeticalize the showcase
    2. Another option that separates messages from 'other notifs'
    3. A new ign color
    4. An option to send more than one gift at a time
    Keep the suggestions coming, I'm sure if we get enough support and are progressive and on top of it we can get these implemented
    SummerNyx and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  3. Another idea: About RS exclusive gifts, specifically the PROMISE RING. How about adding options like trashing/destroying RS exclusive gifts? Or maybe if you break up with someone, the promise ring disappear from your inventory too. It really bugs me to still have a ring someone gave me and we already broke up, i mean, what's the point? Please please consider this dev team. Thank you.