heng heng heng

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *llllIIIIIIlllllIIlllIIIIIlllIl (01), Aug 9, 2014.

  1. I miss Pun. ?
  2. me 2 man if he was here a fluke one hit wonder like heng wouldnt be number 1
  3. to be vip u should work not be there by fluke sory but thats reality and if didnt like it heng admitted so plz stop butt kissing and move on
  4. so all thanks to pun for leaving and giving some people a chance.

    I am still unranked and i think i wasn't part of those he gave chance to. Sucks!! :cry:
  5. see bread pun should be back and smash all those scuds
  6. He's still lurking
  7. Just wait to see me on VIP bitchesss
  8. "Why you riding puns ass?" -Anya
  9. Anya is the expert at riding puns ass. She sets the standard
  10. LETS FARM HENG!!!!
  11. Op ur a just an ignorant jealous dumbass
  12. ^ u r a scud
    and hey dnt u dare touch my hangy wangy ill farm u if u did
  13. oh no now even rm stick with me will quit look at the club he is in :O
  14. Chavez that was mean you hurt his feelings 
  15. no scud he didnt i have no feelings for such game and bplz if ur gonna take my thread off topic plz leave k bye
  16. Are you BarHoes going after another club ? Since Pun quit? You completed your "mission"
  17. What happens to rm ...he was nice. Or is nice.