Helpful Players and Clubs

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by GrandMaster-Dan, Oct 18, 2016.

  1. It's hard being a noob :geek: no clubs wanna accept unless it's rp
  2. I would love to help new players
  3. I used to and still am getting used to the app but I can help here ?
  4. You'll do it. Till you grow bored. Lol. Happens annually.
  5. I've been fortunate to have witnessed being amongst you for this a time or two...
    (Great thing is no one tells them to pay in app from these experiences) some choose the path to pay but not from our/your training
  6. I've played this game twice now (once back in 2012) and the last time I quit because no one would help me.

    A lot of players (new and old) mistake wanting help for free items and that's just sad to me. I would love to see a club actively helping us newbs.

    Lord knows I need help with all these terms 
  7. Pcp has a stat requirement, but we do make exceptions for new players through our mentoring program. There's a series of questions one admins ask to ensure they're a good fit for the program (we expect them to party, grow, and learn the game). Once they go through the little interview process, they can join, and are assigned a mentor to help them with learning the game, such as the best way for them to upgrade, how to farm, tutor bonus, etc. All depends on what that new players needs/wants to learn. They remain a part of the program until they reach 500kcs since that's our minimum stat requirement to join. There's a quick link on my wall to the admin in charge of the mentoring program (-monkeylove-) :)
  8. Definitely it was "our" training. Helping New Players with you is one of the things that has kept me tapping.
  9. We should consider dusting our "radars" off and sift through newbs to find the few worth the effort once again
  10. Nice!! I'd help if I were more active! Best of luck in this goal!!!!!!!
  11. Nice idea! So hard to find people like you nowadays in PIMD. 