Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Bruva, Jan 8, 2019.

  1. It looks girly to me, but I won't judge a book by it's cover.
  2. its illegal but just buy a cheap 3ds and crack it. boom. free games for life.

    you get to marry a girl, AND plant peaches and eggplants. what else do you need jaco? >:c
  3. Crack it?

    Like... break it in half? How is that illegal?
  4. My brother enjoyed it too when he was like six ?

    But it’s about a guy, living his life, farming and trying to get laid. He’s living the life.
  5. I may post a lot of sexual things but I assure you, my mind is focused more on cleaner things... for the moment
  6. FFX/X-2 remaster definitely on PS4. Around 20 bucks I think. FFXV was fun. Finished it in like two weeks or so.

    Stardew Valley is defo fun. I own on Switch and PC. Variety of things to do, but it can be repetitive. Not sure if it's on PS4 tho.

    Persona 5 was fun. Storyline good. I only played for like a week or so because I borrowed, but 9/10 would buy for myself.

    Tale of Zesteria looks good too. Bought it for myself on Steam. Haven't had time to really try it yet.

    Attack on Titans
    All the DBZ games
    Dragon Quest
    All KH remixes

    honestly, just pick up bioshock 1
  7. ^ How does Bioshock Infinite match up against #1? I played infinite. It has a super strong narrative and fun gameplay.
  8. ^ How does Bioshock Infinite match up against #1? I played infinite. It has a super strong narrative and fun gameplay.
  9. You don't play Anime games? What PS4 games would you reccomend?
  10. I got all the DBZ games, I'm just not a fan of Fighter Z's storyline.

    Attack on Titan has a game for PS4?!?!

  11. The KH remixes are weird tbfh. I’ve been a kingdom hearts fan since the OG but WHAT
  12. Farm Together is a fun one too
  13. Oh I have a PS3 disk with KH 2.5 remix. birth by sleep, 2, and Re:coded.

    It was weird playing birth by sleep after being raised on KH2 but it was a solid collection that I played thd heck out of
  14. OG kingdom hearts will always be my #1 but birth by sleep was p cool too ngl
  15. Wish they were all on the same console so I could play them in order...
  16. Uhhh. I had all three, but never really got into infinite. I liked the dark environment for Bioshock and the bright visuals for infinite in the beginning turned me off. From what I hear from a lot of series fans, infinite didn't really compare to 1&2, but was good.

    Bioshock 1&2 were creepy(dark is probably a better word) from the get-go, and I enjoyed it. I don't remember the last time I played it, but I know it was fun and the storyline itself is memorable.
  17. I think I was turned off by the creepiness but infinite was utopian. Like everything was bright and colourful but it seemed like a thin vaneer with some insidious forces behind the scenes.

    So artificial and fragile that it's eerie :')
  18. God lord FF13 was so long but I beat it. FF15 graphics are so yesssss. The food looks real its sad.?
  19. Red Dead Redemption 2

    I've also heard good things about Dragon Ball Xenoverse