Help me

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by YourDailyDoseOf0rg-sm, Mar 23, 2019.

  1. You would have said that already.
  2. thanks, i know. self-employment is still a job. employment = job. you're just your own employer.
  3. That makes no sense but suit yourself
  4. You need classes on human psychology.
  5. and you need a job
  6. No thanks. Jobs are for losers
  7. says the employed drug dealer
  8. you've never heard of self employment? it's essentially just freelancing or owning your own self made business. you don't answer to anyone (a boss), you don't receive a check from anyone except your clients (that you choose), and you work on your own time (in or outside of your home). self employed is stil considered having a job.
  9. Technically it doesn't fit in my definition of a job.
  10. self employed ppl still pay taxes so yes it is a job.
  11. technically as a drug dealer he isn't paying income taxes smh

    irs get on this
  12. quote="Muschi"]
    technically as a drug dealer he isn't paying income taxes smh

    irs get on this[/quote]
  13. lowkey op's just going to disagree regardless of any facts we try giving so.

    another f?
  14. im on it, i have the irs on speed dial.
  15. I messed up that one
  16. Like ur job
  17. you don’t fool me
  18. Can't mess up something that's nonexistent
  19. I don't fool fools.....there's no fun in it