HELP! 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Hunter467442 (01), Nov 6, 2011.

  1. Get a parrot It will talk to you 
  2. I love my dog i think ur right michelle cuz he does help me sometines
  3. Cats should burn  especially some girl's who's Username is "RavynSuPham"  yep
  4. Leave me alone, Zow53.
  5. I'm not doing anything to you RavynSuPham  I'm just stating my opinion 
  6. Burn kitty burn
  7. Your opinion needs to leave me alone.

    I don't care if you don't like my cat.
  8. Ok enough about cats 
  9. HUNTER!!! Pm!!! And u promised!! Also how about a stress ball? First get rid of the knives blades whatever!!! I know ppl on here care im one of them but u really need to reach out in RL too. I know it's hard taking that first step but u need to. Cutting and such could lead to other things that are not fixable...pls care about urself more. U wouldn't allow ur friends to do this why do it to yourself? U have to care about urself as much as u love and care for others.. U are first..
  10. Dude I don't know you, but I've know people with this problem. They feel it's the only way to stop or ease the pain inside them. It's not ok. There's other ways, talk to the people that care about you, that have experience in life, talk to a prossional. But cutting yourself is just a short term fix, it wont solve the real problems. The only thing that will do that is talking to people that care for you and reaching out to professionals who have experiance in dealing withthese things.
  11. I kno but its that short burst of pain that releaves stress
  12. Ok but dude there's better ways then that okay. Listen to poin okay. A stress ball, music breathing exercises. Get a book on mediation. I know it's helped others. Cut cutting your self won't help u in the long term, it will only make it worse. You realie on it more and more, and then your go from small little cuts to bigger ones to try to get the same feeling. If that starts happening the damage your do to your self will get worse and worse. There are other ways you need to talk to a professional ok.
  13. It already started  thanks for ur help man
  14. Bump this thread cuz the other by queen Is locked
  15. I know what u feel Hunter... another way to quit is finding someone you trust and telling them... Have them at school help calm u down and distract you... Or try teling ur girlfriend... My boyfriend helped me... Of course he broke my heart and made me start agai but he did it to thats y we lasted so long so make sure ur gf doesnt do it to 
  16. Oh and by the way...