HelloI'm new

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-Hearts-Epiclylsaac (01), Oct 9, 2011.

  1. Hi nice to meet you
  2. Hey.

    Lemme introduce you to my friends.

    WhatisthisIdon'teven-, Forever ALOONEEE, oxymoron pedophilic bear, and yuno.

    Those shall be your friends forever.

    And I forgot to mention FAP and BLAMF.


    Memes. Best thing evar.
  3. o.o

    Nicole, don't hate the memes.  whatever you do, DON'T HATE THE MEMES!! 
  4. I love how you guys don't know and you probably never will.


    Especially Chloe.

    You of all people should know.


    -Walks away from thread-
  5. I never know since nobody tells me, fool. =_=
  6. Hi I'm be here too :)