Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by smileyface4eva, Sep 30, 2011.

  1. Baby powder in the eyes
  2. Then run outside, and sprint down the street, find a little child and use him as a human shield 
  3. I wanna hear how this ends.
  4. Take a towel to throw over her head too and trip her
  5. Put soap around the door, then when she falls over spray baby powder in her eyes.Run outside and lock the door behind you, then go to MacDonalds and hide in their bathroom -.-
  6.  terrible idea

  7. Ewww, public bathrooms. 
  8. 1. get some hair spray 2. Get behind cover 3. Unlock the door 4. Run to cover and spray either Cologne or hairspray in the eyes.
  9. Exactly public toilets a ewww So she won't look there?!
  10. uhmm i wanna say an idea .... wehn she qets in well before set up booty traps andd then put soap shampoo conditioner etc. on tha qrounq spray shavinq cream on her then run like hell then qo into someones backyard diq an underqround tunnel to my house and ill hide u either in tha bathtub or my closet and ill feed u cheese:)
  11. Do what I do:
    1) get tons of liquid soup and put it on the floor. Every 5-10 minutes wet the water
    2) find a hiding spot, in the cabinets?

    3) Call police ( I usually call my parents but Murder needs cops)
  12. Ashli  use g not q -.- and learn to spell  the red squiggly line under a word means its misspelled or doesn't exist......Anyway sophie my suggestion is kick her where the sun don't shine  ( not sure if it works as well on girls but its worth a try )
  13. im sorry but i can write how i want ndd i havnt updated my ipod so it dnt tell me wehnn sum is misspelled
  14. Naw, for girls you usually punch in the chest. Now that can hurt.
  15. Well no one will take u seriously that way but that's fine  i dont think i had anything of value to contribute to this thread 