Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by smileyface4eva, Sep 30, 2011.

  1. I can honestly say, I hope she gets through the door.
  2. Well sorry to say...yes

    Jk :3 slap dat ***** in da face!
  3. Let your sister cool down and then come out after 20-30 mins but if your sister is really not kidding then don't come out at all!! Is your sister older or younger?
  4. If she opens the door find a way to get shampoo in her eyes then run
  5. Is she still after you?
  6. Does she have issues?
  7. Scream
    Hump the tub if you are bored
    if she breaks through, flick boogers at her
    If it doesn't work then slap her

    Or die 
  8. Who's bathroom are you in?
  9. If she gets in, play "oppossum."
  10. Don't die sophie or I will . Just  you can do it. I would personally take an object an use it for defense, use creativity.
  11. You're really in trouble isn't there like a window you can escape from??!!
  12. Lol whenever I play oppossum my sister just looks at me like I'm insane, then gives up and walks away in a huff.

    Soap up the floor in front of the door so she slips, then you can make your escape? 
  13.  baby oil and a belt!!!!! Beat that *****!!!!!!
  14. @michelle: best idea so far
  15. Pull her hair down and bang her hand against the wall until she drops the sharp object  or until her hand is no longer of use
  16. Go get her a new croissant.