Have You Ever? (Game)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Call_Me_The_Epic_Failure, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. Well that's no fun lol 
  2. It's only fun if you make it fun
  3. Okay I'm doing a question then

    Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
  4. No, looks odd

    Have you ever killed anything? (Bugs don't count)
  5. I've killed a bird before when I was hunting lol 

    Have you ever stayed up all night doing ransom things? (I can out of ideas lol)
  6. By random things you mean binge watching a series, then yes 

    Have you ever tried to scam a newbie here in the game? ?
  7. No... I have been tempted to lmao

    Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
  8. Yes

    What is something you've kept secret from your momma?
  9. Well that’s not a “have you ever” question so...

    Have you ever won an award?
  10. Yes

    Have you ever put sugar on steak?
  11. No
    Have you ever thought of being a superhero?
  12. Yes
    Have you ever drink a hand soap?
  13. Nope
    Have you ever licked your elbow? ?
  14. Nope, can't reach it ?

    Have you ever tried to eat soil? (What? I was a kid)
  15. No. My level of inquisitiveness isn't so high

    Have you ever eaten a whole apple while asleep?
  16. No

    Have you ever wasted a day being depressed