Have yall ever?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nemo, Jun 1, 2019.

  1. This I agree with, happens Everytime
  2. I don't think so. If it happened, I don't recall.

  3. Well to be fair, those kind of guys always wanted to get with you in the beginning, they just befriended you first hoping you’ll gain feelings for them??‍♂️ That’s why most of my female friends are ugly so that means I would never go for them jk?
  4. 
  5. They didn't push their way out of my life but they did stalk and harass me and get insanely jealous over anyone I dated (or sometimes even just smiled at) so that made things awkward. I ended up telling them we couldn't be friends anymore.
  6. i think you befriended an incel^
  7. Maybe. Can girls be incels? She had no issues getting laid but it was always with dudes she met at clubs and she only did that for validation, she had no interest in guys. Was odd.
  8. Actually same. I’ve had guys like this, and it’s just super toxic.
  9. But the thing that really gets to me is when they try to be controlling.. when they tell me who I can talk to or who I can be friends with.. and it's like.. "what gives you the right to make those decisions for me?"
  10. Exactly.

    Like even if you have feelings for someone you can’t control their life :/
  11. Probably used them as a live dïldo tbh ??‍♀️
  12. It's cuz in their head they've started some little relationship with you even when they say you're just friends :/
  13. Udder way around. They get the feelings and I push them away. I ain’t got no time for that
  14. Generally it's me doing the pushing away. I have had a sad history of men continuing to try even after I've shut them down. Like it's impossible for some people to accept the friend label. It's not a bad thing to be someone's friend...
  15. Yall have courage to push them away, I'm too sentimental. I don't get many friends and I don't have many at the moment. So when I do get friends, then lose them because they gained feelings, it's like wtf. Why can't we just be friends? ???
  16. I feel this so hard though ? Like I get super attached to friends so it’s sad when they distance themselves
  17. I mean maybe
  18. Nah my friends stay friends cuz I deny their feelings from the start...
    “Hey there best friend”
    “You are such a good friend bruh”
    That’s all you gotta do...
  19. I mean, it is hard. The friend I mentioned, I kept trying to be friends with for almost three years before it got to be too much (although it was always kind of too much)
  20. Just pump and dump