Have a free Doctor's Note!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, Sep 21, 2014.

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  1. They don't have to do any of these to be honest.  but the fact they did and made something like this is a big deal for me.

  2. I can't see the gif :(
  3. No it's supposed to be a white box. And I'm thinking outside of it. 
  4. thanks ata
  5. Wow :roll:
    What's in the white box? :lol:
  6. Alls well that Ends well...superb ATA...thnx for the lovely week :)
  7. Wth. I was expecting for a great ending. Lol been waiting enthusiastically for the last day to come, then here's ATA, leaving us a one DN to pack up. Smh. Not-so-great-last day
  8. Well let's see pimd gave every active player a dn. Well it's more than 10,000 players here. 1dn is 1 dollar. Y'all need to realize that's 10,000 more dollars they could have had in their pockets but they gave all you ungrateful bastards a free dn. So quit complaining and be happy 
  9. Stop complaining?
  10. That is true wolf it takes awhile to make content for games

    Ik because I'm trying to become a game designer (ik the basics) but the again its ata so who knows
  11. Troll to the max.
  12. Thank you pimd!

    Hi ViP! <3
  13. It takes awhile sure but its been 2 years lol
  14. a lot of ppl hormonal today

  15. I WANT 20ECS!!! ****** DEVS
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