Have a free Doctor's Note!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, Sep 21, 2014.

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  1. Not even the title sounds exciting... Have a free doctors note.... ! Yea.. That sounds like a good ending to an appreciation week..
  2. How.... Gracious...
    *rolleyes* and so creative....
  3. the player appreciation week was enough overall :lol:
  4. Isn't anybody ever satisfied? ?
    I'll gladly take this dn and unload on one of you whiny ungrateful people. 

    Thank you pimd ?
  5. I thought a big blow out but um this will do I guess thank you
  6. Really? U choulda gave us a cloudpaca u cheap
    Mother fuckers lol but seriously a dn? lame when I cant use it in'my club for a good party lol
  7. Berry yes we understand it's free and technically a good thing, but i think we expected more for the LAST DAY of OUR APPRECIATION WEEK!
  8. Only one dn.!? Tf.. That's a rip off. But whatever thanks I guess. -.-
  9. Basically, we hoped to end it with a bang but who knows? Maybe they'll come up with awesome stuff soon.  i like to think of this as a week to test out better stuff.
  10. Dude, this whole week should have been enough. Everybody has been asking for all the things they've done, and they wanna chill for the last day. It's free, get over it, and use it how you please. 
  11. I appreciate the free dn a lot ?

    but, i feel a little disappointed. All the previous days were big changes. Return of hipster parties, 2x pvp, avatars. 2X plunder, gold names, short wars and so on.
    I though today you'd have sonething better for the grand finale. Like reveal a new feature that we asked for, such as the daily reward or ability to gift money.

    None the less, this week has been amazing ?? Thank you for this event
  12. Would u rather want new jobs, t7, a hunt/event announcement, new honor students, or 1 DN ?
  13. ^ One of the first four :lol:
  14. This week has been more than enough though! one of my wishes is pimd would interact more with us on forums but again, who knows? Thanks ata!
  15. Monday through Saturday, we got awesome surprises from ATA. The final day... I was hoping for a huge blast of awesomeness, but then...
    Well, you can't keep all players happy for just a whole week, no?

    Thank you for the so kind-hearted gift, ONE oh-holy-awesomeness Doctor's Note. :)
  16. Or like panda said, a new feature. Giftable money, mass gifting, daily bonuses, or an iOS update to see actives in parties, but nope.. Just 1 DN that will be used quite soon and have no effect on anything
  17. Those new features take a while to make, I believe. They did shorten wars and double plunder on pvp and that is great improvement for me.
  18. I love the 4 hour wars, done so many of them <3
  19. And how long have we asked for an iOS update? I'd say long enough for them to have completed it
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