Hate my life wish i can die

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Brendan678, Nov 7, 2011.

  1. Ooooo scary 
  2. You know it
  3. No I don't 
  4. You better know it now 
  5. Well now I will deliberately not know it 
  6. Ok I'm not making you know it 
  7. I will now know it but act as if I don't know it to not let you know I know it.know what I'm saying?
  8. I get ya Know it without letting me know you're knowing it so I think you don't know it but you actually do know it 
  9. You know it  but now you know that I know but say I don't know so you won't know that I know it 
  10. Don't kill urself  life kicks ass
  11.  damn right
  12. Um.... You do that then :?:
  13. Ppl are mean to me so I'm mean back ! Most Ppl just try make u feel like a peace of shit
  14. Think your life is bad? Think about this.

    There are millions of people who's lives are a hundred million times worse than your. There are children in Africa who are literally shriveling up and dying because they cannot afford food or even water.
  15. Get off the game and go see a counsellor or someone trained in mental health