Harry Potter :D

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Seriously, Jun 23, 2019.

  1. I can't play it because my phones not compatible :(
  2. Still waiting for YuGiOh Go
  3. Im playing it. If anyone gets what wand I should choose or what it affects hmu
  4. You could take the pottermore quiz to find out your house and wand type if you want
  5. Ooh I might do that. I know what house I am but it’d be nice to know what kinda wand suits me
  6. This might help! Wand Woods explains the different types of wood used in wands. Wand Cores is the three different kinds of cores used in wands (Phoenix, Unicorn, Dragon) Wand length/flexibility depends on character or could just be from height :D
  7. Does anyone else think the game kinda sucks tho. I feel betrayed and like it was kind of anticlimactic
  8. Somewhat but it's also new. I’m sure it’ll get better
  9. It’ll get better when it takes your credit card information
    Rum_Cola likes this.