Happy Thanksgaming!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Nov 15, 2018.

  1. ATA, sweetie, no one wants anymore GAMER OR FOOD HUNTS TY

  2. I think it is 
  3. avi’s are adorbs
  4. Whenever someone finds out who to get the boys Avi, let me know
  5. Not bad, this is actually my first gaming thanksgiving event. Will enjoy ?
  6. Uhh I need those avatars ??????
  7. Brooklyn nine-nine ?
  8. Soo how we get these Avis 
  9. no wayyyy I friggin love the gamer hunts 

  10. Istg if those ugly costume Avas are t100 i’mma flip..........
  11. I need the gaming one with space buns
  12. Kinda weird how that one avi is holding the piece of chicken like that. No one holds a piece of chicken like that lol.
  13. Should last longer for a Thanksgiving hunt.. ?‍♀️‍♀️
  15. How we get the other Avis tho?
  16. I believe this isn’t the thanksgiving hunt, hence the shortness
  17. Okay, so I get all the other avas... but why are the Disney ones? Dude from Repunzel and Jasmine from Aladdin. They just don’t fit.

    I’m not saying I hate them, they just don’t fit the theme. ??‍♀️
  18. Sooooo how do we get the female avi with the iron fist ... I’m near 19k drops and no sign of any other avis apart from the thanksgiving ones ... and I’ve already got the fridge combination ??‍♀️