Happy Birthday CjS!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iBabyAlienAbductYou, Jul 15, 2015.

  1. Happy birthday ?
  2. Daidai
  3. Happy birthday?
  4. BA  Can I please have any unwanted keys? Also, what's the BB Code for rainbow words? And how do you link names?
  5.  Thank you everyone for the well wishes 
  6. So
    Can we have cake or what
  7. Not the CJS I was thinking of (scared me for a sec), but happy birthday. ?
  8. Happy Birthday! I'll add you to my birthday thread when I update it again
  9. Js

    Happy birthday! I may be late but better than neber 

    Thank you for being like a daddy to V Hangar. We really appreciae that. Love you js!

    Ps. Accept my gifts pls 
  10. Fixed your mistake ️ Your welcome
  11. Fixed your mistake ️ You're welcome
  12. I was being nice. You just started being rude
  13. How? I fixed your mistake.
  14. You forgot " appreciate " ? you're welcome
  15. I was only correcting one word so cross out that "you're welcome" from you because I wasn't trying to correct it, I was only trying to correct one word. 
  16. Yeah.. Yeah..
    This n that..
    Correction shmorrection..
    Bye now