CONTEST Happy 9th Anniversary PiMD!

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Queens, Dec 22, 2019.

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  1. My Favorite Moment To This Day Actually Deals With IGN @Day

    Day & I have know each other for at least a year and about when we first met we used to be on call laughing sooooo freaking hard because we would be saying dumb stuff in pub like “Is Ketchup A Smoothie” “Is Cereal Just Cold Ravioli” or “If Water Isnt Wet That Means Dirt Isnt Dirty.” I legit bought ecs to buy more speakers. I know it might sound ridiculous, but I swear to y’all it was so funny I was crying. And that is my favorite moment on PIMD.
    Psyche, Day and Lumenia like this.
  2. I can't believe I've been on an app for almost 9 years
    TheCatLady likes this.
  3. Everytime i chat with this one i laugh in tears because she is dumb(in a cute way🌚) @YellowKetchup i met her here when i joined in a new CC club. Me and her have a dumb connection 🤣i can tell her every annoying and dumb thing and she will laugh even if i am mean🥴 ily dummy😤
    Psyche and Aeryx like this.
  4. Happy anniversary, PiMD!!! I just started playing this game a few months ago, and I'm still growing every day! But, my most memorable memory, and definitely my favorite, would have to be creating and starting a club with my real life bestie, @Xx_kimmykat_xX
    Our club is Once Upon a Wonderland! We both help anyone we can while helping one another and I genuinely don't know what I'd do without her! She's amazing, creative, talented, and loyal! I can't wait to continue to grow with her while also helping our club grow! 😊
    Psyche likes this.
  5. Happy birthday 🎊 and Ily queens 🥺
    [ATA]Queens likes this.
  6. I would want to mention @Carbonara, she taught be patiently as a noob and new player how the game works, how upgrading furni and in general being a sweetheart to me and others. I have been blessed to be her friend since I started here and I love her so much!❤
    Psyche likes this.
  7. How about a promo to celebrate ✌🏻😂😂😂
    _Isa_ likes this.
  8. My favorite pimd memory is when @Brittany and I planned Pimd The Bachelor on forums. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN DOING THE BB CODES for the thread. It was alsi so much fun interviewing all the potential bachelors and their matches.The community was so involved and people were voting before we had a poll feature 😂 My favorite part was getting to know more about people i'd only known casually before like GazzapMe, AshyRAWRR, SYN_BDNbintz. But it was mostly fun because I got to execute something big with one of my favorite pimd friends. 🌚 Brittany is one of the coolest people i've ever met on pimd. She is dedicated to everything she does and she's fucking hilarious. I can do anything with her.
    Psyche and Lumenia like this.
  9. Congrats Corequake. 😂
  10. Happy birthday PIMD! 😍❣️🥺
  11. Happy birthday to us pimd 🤭❤
    I might be a "bit" older tho.
    Although I have only been playing for only 3yrs and something (the majority of the time I was MIA one cares) I've met some of my closest friends in pimd.
    One of them I consider sister from another mother.
    I've met my tutors that are my vl babies (I confess that I'll always be #auntieIsa4eva) that are the best.
    Made tons of fake friends too. Fake lives matter.

    Happy Birthday pimd
    Happy holidays to all. ✌🏼❤
  12. Happy 9th anniversary apes.

    My favourite moment involves @CheryI my RS.
    I'm still playing PIMD only because of her.

    So one of my favourite moments is when we first started talking to each other through gift messages. We continued it for a week.😳
    I'm so glad I met her. Thank you, Apes. 🥰
    Psyche and Cheryl like this.
  13. I don't know if it's fair to pick just one person, but my RS BlackBeanie has been there for me pretty much since the beginning. We grew stats together, max gifts, and when I had to take a 3 month break without warning them i came back and they hadn't left me. Instead welcomed me back and talked about life with me like I hadn't even been gone!

    It was definitely that nauseating warm fuzzy feel coming back to a game and knowing I still had a friend like that 😤🖤
    Psyche likes this.
  14. Happy birthday pimd!
    I joined just over a year ago and have met a lot of great and caring people.
    I’d like to mention @Peydimei, she helped me finish this Black Friday dorm by gifting me the pieces of furni I needed and didn’t ask for anything in return so this would be a nice way to return the favour if I won ☺️
    Psyche likes this.
  15. I forgot to mention my sister from another mother's ign ♀‍🤦🏽
    Psyche likes this.
  16. One of my favorite players and club members is _Dark_Fairy_. Her and I connected almost immediately when she joined the first club I created. And she has become one of my best friends irl also. She's always there when I need her whether it's to help club or be here for me irl. She's always had my back.
    Psyche likes this.
  17. My favorite person will always be @Bear as they are the only reason I’m still on PIMD! I came back from a 3 year break and I ran into them in a random club and our friendship blossomed ever since! I wouldn’t be enjoying the app as much as I have been without them!

    Happy anniversary PIMD!
    Psyche likes this.
  18. Happy Birthday to PIMD <3
    My one of the many friends that I have made on this game is my best friend & RS @QueenAmidala.She wasn’t originally my RS we have been RS-ed for about 2 months now lol, but we’ve been friends for about 1 - 1 1/2 years. We both started out as random people in the club we share now it’s been a long fun run haha and we plan on making it better this next year! See you in POTD thread😏
    QueenAmidala and Psyche like this.
  19. My favorite memory is talking to my Bestfriend about how excited we are about different avis and hunts. I know it said one but we do it every time and it always so much fun ❤️❤️ Happy Birthday PIMD 🎉🎉🎉
    Psyche likes this.
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