Happy 8th Birthday to Us!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Dec 23, 2018.

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  1. I liked the old space hunt tbh, with the boy/girl cooties and the cosmos. My favorite avi is the one I always use☹Happy 8th birthday
  2. Happy Birthday! Thanks for all your effort this 8 years for us! Hope you guys will continue and do good! Xoxo!
  3. I am really pleased to say that my favorite avatar is Lady Aphrodite from many last hunts. She's very pretty tho! But I dont have the chance to own her until now ').Idek how you guys can be so creative!

    Then, my favorite event is the last Black Friday event! The kcs items is super cool that time and I love it!

    My favourite memory is when I was rich back then and I upgraded a lot. But I can't get back my last account so I'm a bit sad. But I created one now which is this one! I am happy enough that I can continue to play.

    Lastly, I just want to say that Pimd's interface has changed a lot! It's a good result for your hard efforts! Thank You very much guys!
  4. My favorite avatar is Andromeda The Princess (V.I.P) from the Galactic Black Friday Hunt.
    My Favorite hunt got to be the Malice in Wonderland hunt this halloween.
    My favorite memory in PIMD was when I won an avi. from the spinner for the first time.

    My favorite thing in PIMD So far is the Zodiac Shards.
  5. Alice in wonderland teme was great
  6. Happy Birthday ATA 
    Congrats on the 8 years ️
    Can’t wait to see more ️
  7. Happy Birthday PIMD family.

    Favorite Avi although I didn’t get it I’ll say the Kaneki Ken Avi.

    Favorite event, Day of the dead, being able to change your Avi by paint was awesome

    Favorite thing is WARS

    I like the treasure hunts where the community comes together such as the olympic hunt and not to forget party bombs

    Happy Birthday Again 
  8. My fave avatar is the vintage queen
    My fave hunt was 2014 Pizza Party
    My best memory was the PWar, it was fun, i think its what i cherished most in pimd.. The Wedding Wars, Beta Wars.. I think its the most fun for the old players
  9. Holly Poplar avatars were neat Happy New Year gang
  10. I also thought the Halloween hunt was neat
  11. My favorite Is just the game itself so diverse and addicting and entertaining.
  12. My favorite avi is the female Virgo Avi because that's my sign, even though I don't own it.
    Favorite event is Between Malice and the Wonderland or Baewatch
    Favorite memory: When you guys gave everyone a free cat? and when you guys introduced the phone for hunts
    Favorite anything: umm, the dorms I guess. We can decorate it to our liking or based off hunt and also when I reached 1 mcs (literally took me forever to get there)

    Happy Birthday PIMD 
  13. Happy Bday pimd
  14. Favorite event last Black Friday hunt
  15. Favorite Avatar: BF Male Avis 2017
    Favorite Event: BF 2017
    Favorite Memory: Free cat last year ?
    Favorite Anything: My rs ?
  16. The only avi I like is the one I got cause it’s the only one I can get....and happy birthday ❄️
  17. I'm late but I have many favorite avatars, some of them I don't own. I love the Black Lace from the Black Friday Avatar bag, she looks sooo classy. Malice of Wonderland has a great design. The Capricorn avatar also looks amazing. I usually like the ones with a darker twist, or nice outfits. The old "groupie" avatar has a special place in my heart because it was the first one I ever got and because I'm a groupie of course. ?

    My favorite hunt was by far the Oscar hunt a while ago. I'm a film student, so having something related to my main passion was really exciting. I love the furniture and haven't been able to change my dorm decor ever since! The La La Land inspired avatars were also nice.
    One of my favorite things here is meeting new people and talking, I have a lot of fun with the social aspect of the game as well.

    This game is something that I downloaded one day with zero expectations, didn't even know what it was about and ended up loving it. It's fun and exciting and I love how there's always going to be something new for us to look forward to, even if we don't really like a hunt we can always wait for the next. Thanks for constantly working on it for us!
  18. happy birthday ?
  19. Black lace is my fav avi! Shes gorgeous (though pricey) & the og avi from the first gift bags!

    I really loved the hunt during Halloween where it was PvP, vamps vs demons. The competition for the gold was a real task but it's nice to see camaraderie here for a change!

    Best memory here was a few years ago when I was still a smol smol nub trolling the campus for free thongs, not caring about reputations or wealth :D

    (Fav anything--) Event hosted by ATA should be the drawing contest you had a few months back for the new avi! I placed in top 10 and everyone was so supportive of all the artists which I loved the most!
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