Happily Ever After

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Dec 3, 2011.

  1. BUMP BUMP!! Hahaha He's so adorable and handsome !!
  2. bump!!!!! 

  3. three words.......



  4. please.....

  5. SORRYYYY FOR NOT UPDATING! I have looooaaaaadssss of projects all due tomorrow. I'll update tomorrow! (hopefully) when all the projects are through. 
  6. Lia stared at the posh marble pilars at either side of the gate. The gate was a gold color-probably pure gold. The palace itself was even more breathtaking. A fountain splurged clear crystal water in front of the palace and it was surrounded by all kinds of plants you could think of. The palace's white granite steps led to the brass doors of the palace.

    "Wow." she heard herself saying.
    "C'mon." he said, red.

    He took her hand, and for some weird reason she didn't pull away. He pulled her towards the side of the palace, pass the greenery.

    "Where are we going?" she said, ducking through a branch.
    "You'll see." he said, and she could almost hear the smile on his face.

    A few minutes later, they were standing in front of a tree.

    "Um.." What were they doing staring at a tree?
    He laughed and tugged at a few vines beside the tree that fell away to reveal another opening.
    They walked through the passageway. It was beautiful. A snall pond was surrounded by freshly cut grass and there were trees around. Small hills were placed there.

    "....." Lia was speechless. She was about to say something that ryhmed with Moly Sit but she figured that he was a prince and all, it would be bad manners if she did so. Right? Sorry, she never went on a date with a prince before.

    He tugged at her hand and led her up a hill, where a tree was standing in the middle and a small picnic set lay in front of it.

    Setting herself down, Lia felt her stomach flutter. The place was amazing, she couldn't describe it.

    Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

    Next update will be the date itself! 
  7. BUMP BUMP 
  8. bump!!!!!! 

  9. "So is what princes do on dates?" Lia said, taking a bite of the sandwich.
    "What?" he glanced at her.
    "You know, taking girls into secret places and giving them a picnic?
    "I've never done this for a girl before." he stood up, dusting himself and holding out his hand to Lia.

    She finished her sandwich and took his hand. He helped her up and they started heading to the pond.

    "How's the life as a prince?" she asked.
    "How's the life as a student?" he asked back.
    "You mean a commoner?" she teased.
    He laughed and shook his head, "Naww. Sometimes it's hard you know. Being expected to do every single thing right."
    She nodded, conprehending. She glanced down at her shoes, not knowing what to say.

    Suddenly, the ground beneath her disapeared.

    Shortest update EVER. but anyway, keep bumpin!
  10. Bumpy bumpity boo..;)