Happily Ever After

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Dec 3, 2011.

  1. Loooveee it!! 
  2. Bump!!! It's amazing
  3. Thank yeuu, Katie! Love yer stories! 
    Thank yeuu, Bridgy! 
    Thank yeuu, Allykins! 
  4. "Skander!!" Lia squealed as Skander pelted her with droplets of water. Laughing, Lia splashed him back, getting his shirt wet.

    Everyone was knee high into the water, splashing each other and each others clothes.

    "Edwarddd!" Lia heared Sarah say, "Will you freakin stop splashing my new swimsuit?"

    Lia laughed at her and Skander took the oppurtunity to launch forward, sweeping his hand over her kneew and his other catching her head.

    Lia's eyes grew wide as she felt the ground beneath her disappear.

    "You're knight in shining armor, madame?" Skander said, grinning.

    "It's actually miss, unless Lia here is married."

    Skander, carrying Lia turned and put her down quickly.

    "Uh..yeah...sure, um, Prince..Xavier." Skander ran his fingers through his hair, nervous.

    Lia clenched her fists, "Talk. Now."

    Once Xavier and her were our of everyone's earshot, Lia spoke, "What the hell, Xavier? You've been such...a..."

    Xavier smirked, "Such a what?"

    "A KILLJOY!" Lia glared at him more.

    "Oh really? Well, i'm sorry. But if you go out on a date with me..." Xavier smiled.

    Gosh, this guy never stops!!

    "Okay fine, I will." Lia blurted out. Her eyes grew wide and she slapped her hand over her mouth. What did she just say....?

    Xavier smiled, triumphant, "Very well, I'll pick you up at your hotel tomorrow, at four."

    "Wait!! I take it back, I don't want to go on a date with you!" Lia said.

    "Too late." Xavier said simply, and walked away.


  5. Any bumps? 
  6. bump!!!!!! 

  7. Meh no like it. 
  8. Meh loooooooveeeee it!!
  9.  I cut the rope with my Soyeop dagger and escape 
  10.  I use my handy hair pin and unlock it.
  11. ᏰᏌᎷᏢ
  12. (haha Jessie )
  13. Thank yeuu to all the bumperzz!

    I have finals for te next three days so I will be studying like hell but Imma see if I can update!

    Kay? K. 