Halloween Tales.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DarkRose1908, Oct 20, 2012.

  1. Tried to find a photo but can't on my phone 
  2. I've never been Trick or Treating or celebrated Halloween 
  3. Money because people didn't even know it was Halloween, but knew they had to give us something.
  4. When I was seven on Halloween my mom adopted a kitten for me she was calico and beautiful I named her Mckenzie.  Just a happy memory not a scary story
    Lol usually I'm a grumpy old fart and a mean one. It must be the apocalypse if I'm being soft hearted
  5. There are no new photos as it isn't Halloween quite yet, but if you were around forums last Halloween you may recognize these when I posted guides on how to make the following...



    I don't know if the guides are still around or exist on forums anymore  but I'm still open to suggestions for pumpkins this year if anyone has requests. Simple costumes I can also try and tailor or fabricate if requested  Happy Halloween and safe trick or treating everyone.
  6. The pumpkin or the girl? 
  7. Both 
  8. That's was me last year actually *uncomfortable silence*
  9. Would've been Better if you were a magikarp though 
  10. I was talking about the pumpkin.

    Just kidding. Or was I? Duh duh duhhmmmmmm!!!!
  11. Ok well this didn't happen just on Halloween it happened often but to me it was scary, So back when I was a little kid my patents and I live in this house for about 4 or 5 Years and sometimes I would wake up in the middle up the night to the sound of dishes being washed or the trash taken out and every time I got up to check there was nobody in the kitchen, it was really creepy but I still kinda didn't care lol but now if that happened I think I'd prob freak out

    I love Halloween it's 1 of my fav holidays
  12. I don't dress up for Halloween anymore... I usually just invite friends over and watch scary movies in pajamas :3

    I love sour anything, and licorice 

    Last year, I was a pregnant nun. It was the first time I dressed up for Halloween for years. :p But that's only because it was a group thing...

    I love all scary movies 
  13. Oh, and, I usually carve shapes into my pumpkins. Like one year it was a bunch of stars, and then another year it was like a dolphin, but this year I think I'm gonna paint one...




  14. 3 years ago a friend and I lost a bet and had so we had to dress up for Halloween and walk around the mall in our costumes for a while, doesn't seem bad right? Well I had to dress up as hitler and on Halloween many veterans giro the mall and my friend had to dress up as a hooker
  15. Ari you find the most randomest pictures 
  16. I do not 

    I have a pumpkin fetish. And I'm addicted to paint. And I'm a girl. Hello sparkles! So of course I have pictures that combine all three of them. 