EVENT HALLOW-PIMD Part II: Cryptid! at the Disco

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Oct 15, 2019.

  1. The non vip mermaid girl has green hair...
  2. Was wondering why the currency isn’t affected by the potions?
  3. Yup, you need to collect 4500 monkey paws
    Minajesty likes this.
  4. Is the VIP Siren from the Monkey Paw drops too, or will she be from another side story?
  5. A 4th side quest 😁
    AstralFen likes this.
  6. Dear ATA,

    As a suggestion/idea for the next hunt that you're planning to format like this; what do you think of adding in a clause for max "Cursey Dolls" (or whatever name the next hunts destructive item goes by, but I'll use Dolls for now for clarity) based upon the party? It's a bit intense that POTD can give you enough dolls to break 1 or more potions, in a single party. BUT! That's only intense because POTD can't possibly provide enough plaques to replace the potion in a single party. So seemingly, some people are receiving enough dolls to break potions faster than they can earn plaques now that they are doing normal POTD. I feel that that is a bit OP. So now, as for the clause I had mentioned, I wanted to make the suggestion of creating a Max amount of Cursey Dolls a player is able to gain based upon the Parties Max amount of Plaques that it is able to give. For example- Since it takes at least TWO POTD to create ONE small 5% Potion, how about making the max Dolls that a player can aquire upon completion of a POTD be 9? I say 9 because realistically, nobody is getting Dolls every POTD but rather it's fair to assume that if they get Dolls about every THREE POTDs then at least the Dolls are no longer consuming MORE than what is possible for a player earn from POTD alone. And then for other parties it'd follow in the same logic
  7. What monkey paws 😒 is it after the snow globes?
    AngelEyesxx likes this.
  8. It's after the Candles
    AngelEyesxx, iEllie and Ket like this.
  9. Why Getting Avatar From hunt Is difficult? Does Ppl need to purchase ec just to make it up The loss OF hunt dropped?
    Hemera likes this.
  10. ATA should consider ending this hunt early. I can't hit a lot of inactive accounts to deposit my dolls onto and people get salty when I break even one potion.

    But I guess ATA knew without a doubt that EVERYONE wanted a hunt with heavy PvP influence that was in no way optional, PvP punishing those who purely PVE, and otherwise just full of anti PVE mechanics.
    YouMakeMyAssItch, -Fae- and Ket like this.
  11. I mean you don't need to participate in the pvp portion. The potions are literally just an extra little bonus that give you the ability to get even higher drops than you would normally. If they make the pvp optional then the potions would only be available to the pvp players and I'm sure all the people not participating in pvp will complain even more. The dolls do nothing to you if you don't have potions and you can only get hit with more dolls if you have under 60. So essentially just rack up dolls and boom you're no longer in the pvp.
  12. Question. I thought doll drops were supposed to be random, but why am I getting 15 dolls after every. single. damn. party? It's annoying because even if I limit my hits in cc, I still get them after literally every party. And I refuse to use DNs for PvP (not only because I like to keep my DNs at 69 😌).

    Also I strongly agree with the person above that suggested this hunt to end early. Many of us are getting tired of it already.
    YouMakeMyAssItch and -Fae- like this.
  13. Don’t end hunt early. I’ve actually really enjoyed this hunt EVEN THOUGH I’ve been robbed of over $40b, 2b, and 7 different potions; normally I don’t even condone pvp. But honestly stop whining and just BREAK YOUR OWN POTIONS//MAX OUT YOUR DOLLS omg !!!! If you’re getting that many dolls, you should be getting at least 200 plaques per party; so just buy more small potions 🌝🤷🏽‍♀️
  14. Okay so how many destroy the strong potions?? Cus ppl having like 70 dolls and the whole you vant give them more if they have 15 thing isnt right. Its actually like 50 or 60.
  15. Imma be mad if they follow your guys' suggestion and end hunt early 😶 I still haven't gotten the red-haired squid girl
  16. how many monkey paws for the siren avatar?
  17. It takes 60 to destroy a strong potion (gold one) and you can hold up to 65 dolls I believe without having any potions in your possession
  18. 4.5k monkey paws.
  19. What does pots mean