EVENT HALLOW-PIMD Part II: Cryptid! at the Disco

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Oct 15, 2019.

  1. don't you think it is a little bit excessive to have a party drop +50 "bonus" cursed dolls onto you? when the max people have planted on others I've seen so far is +4 bonus dolls?! this has become player vs. party with the update.
  2. Yeah I agree. One of my members got 13 dolls from 1 party, so they're pretty much treating the potions as a joke at this point
  3. I love that the dolls drop more when you get hit. Y’all are doing amazing, sweeties
    -_Seraphina_-, Ket and Muschi like this.
  4. Got 99 Dolls twice in a matter of a few hours what the actual heck is going ? Really this is some heavy BS.
  5. Okay so let me get this straight.
    I wasted my time flashing and spending on boxes to get these tokens to get potions. i busted my Ass off getting as many potions as I can to Keep my place on leaderboards. And in the middle of the hunt you guys decide to change the way cursed dolls drop? That is ridiculous. Next time ya'll need to set your minds up.
    Also you know it wouldn't be as bad if Those +97 dolls that I get as a drop would stay in my showcase instead of disapearing. Cause now I'm losing both in pvp and drop wise. THANKS FOR YOU SMART DECISIONS ATA.
    abdu, Victoria, PeaceMachine and 3 others like this.
  6. It's pretty clear ATA pissed off a massive chunk of players by doubling down on the PvP and making this a PvP hunt over a party hunt. I hope you learn from this mistake and keep PvP separate from PvE. The PvP was not optional no matter how many players whine otherwise. The PvE bonuses were subject to PvP based punishments. You took a bad hunt and made it MUCH worse.

    Nobody wants the stuff they earned ruined for something they had no choice in. I sincerely hope ATA never pulls this stunt again.
  7. I love all the party fairy tears. If y’all don’t want to get hit, don’t buy the potions. It’s a win-lose situation. Get a bonus while being a juicy target for pvp snobs.
  8. 😂😂 you’re whining about your doll drop rate but how do you get 4K in only 6ish days.
    -_Seraphina_- and Muschi like this.
  9. Liking the pvp part of this hunt. It's nice to have something different to focus on besides parties. Also liking that it's not just a rare pvp part to a hunt but one that's in a format/style we haven't had before to really bring a refreshing change.
    -_Seraphina_- likes this.
  10. Anyone know how to get merman avatar or the octopus lady avatar
    Libulan and Ket like this.
  11. Those will be available in a side story later this hunt, but not released yet.
    Muschi and Ket like this.
  12. It’s different if we knew going in at the start of the hunt that was how it worked but ATA changed it midhunt that is upsetting.

    It’s a whole new mechanic that you can’t combat and is almost anti-flash because you can’t replenish potions are the same rate when you’re getting 99 dolls dropped every couple of parties.

    In my personal opinion, I think they should cap out the doll drops at a certain amount
    Victoria, iEllie, Libulan and 3 others like this.
  13. Liked this idea so much that it's in now. The dolls you get from parties are now "sleeping" - they don't break your potions. When you give them to someone else they wake up

    Beware, if you get a doll drop again while you already have sleeping dolls, the new ones will be awake like normal. So you'd be wise to get rid of the sleeping ones before your next party finishes!

    This change will give you a chance to get rid of them after they drop so they don't immediately break your potions (which feels unfair and unfun).

    Happy spine-tingling, PIMD

    Edit: because someone asked. When you give them to someone else, only the ones you give away wake up. The sleeping ones in your own inventory stay sleeping.
    #293 [ATA]Strange, Oct 24, 2019
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2019
    Victoria, Muschi, __Divine__ and 3 others like this.
  14. Ooh thank you so much! I think that will be a big improvement!
    __Divine__ and zoe-the-fiend like this.
  15. My bad what did you say lmao? Look at both my drops before talking smack.
    iPanicAtDiscos likes this.
  16. They literally said in the first post there'd be rebalances during the hunt... they knew what they wanted to do before it even started. There's tactic in waiting until certain points to release new features. Hey, hi, element of surprise! 🤗
  17. Huge fan of this 😍 this will shake up the leaderboards a lot
    -_Seraphina_- likes this.
  18. Arent those recent changes unfair for smaller players? Bigger stat players already finished main story long ago. Smaller players havent yet and now it gets harder for them because more potions will break.
  19. Next time make pvp optional like always. It’s always nice to be given a choice and not have that choice made for you.
  20. Totally agree!!!! Not everyone want to deal with being harassed and waking up being hit 500x and losing all your money by some wannabe not even close to being on leaderboard arse!