Hai guys!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *IgnorantChloe (01), Oct 11, 2011.

  1. OP you suck for impersonating Chloe.

    You are just jealous of her true awesomeness 
  2. I don't get it.....
  3.  lmfao
  4. :O now I get it!!! :3
  5. Spyder - go suck yourself
  6. ._. I guess Jenny (alter ego) and I will leave your


  7. So many impersonators. 

    What next? wayneisapain? Girls____Violating____Panda? Slaccky? SuperCereal? LilPoo? |____Juice____|?
  8.  lilpoo lmao i hate impersonators ive had 2 within past 3 days but they never went on forums 
  9. Loralei had a impersonator. Got silenced last night :?
  10. Someone say my impersonator? 

    I'm sorry but this was pretty damn funny 