Connie frowns, looking at Maine who is rapidly apologising to Colin. "If I ever catch you calling me 'young one' I'm going to break your nose." Connie opens her laptop case and starts typing up an email to her latest fighting school.
William smiles at Ariel, his height swamped hers but that didn't bother him. Charles smirked at all the commotion, causing Eloise to glance at him, he had swapped sides again...
Raine looked around and felt bored. She shrugged and took out her phone, switching on her favourite mmorpg, 'Alternate Dimensions', which could be played on both phone and laptop. Heilx had done the same. "Lei Sha Mei hasn't been online in a while, right?" Raine asked, curious. "Yea, neither have the other top few. But their ranks are still the same, and their profiles show progress." Heilx replied. They both shrugged and then pocketed their phones. ((See what I did there))
(Brilliant XD ) Eloise thought back to home. To her dad who is probably going crazy right now, to her younger cousin Aster; she had gone off the map recently... Maybe she's just got too caught up in her game Eloise thought. Charles had started watching the twins who said they we're triplets; where was the third one? Unless they hadn't survived he shivers slightly at that thought.
Jess stood there awkwardly as the people in front of her argued, taking a step back. She glanced at her phone again, checking the time. Damn, her mother would have noticed she'd gone by now. She would be fine though; Jess just didn't like the fact she'd disappointed. There was no point thinking about it though, and too distract herself she started to play Angry Birds on her phone.
[Ariel] This was extremely boring and Ariel was slowly losing patience. She yawned and covered her mouth with one hand. In the other hand she held a stuffed white bunny with black buttons for eyes and very floppy ears. She knew it made her look childish, but she didn't care. It was a gift from Jones and it was adorably cute. She hugged the bunny and looked around at the people in the elevator. There was a girl that was small, but not as small as she. A girl with pink hair was arguing with one of the boys- Cole. She sighed. This was not what she had expected at all.
Eloise and Charles both had sinking feelings in the pits of their stomachs. They were both feeling claustrophobic in the lift. There was a lot of people in the lift, and it was getting a bit stuffy.
Colin: while would I call you young one mademoiselle you are older than me so I can't call you that-he says without even showing any sign of emotion then looks at Maine-and please don't apologize I wasn't insulted by her at all
Connie clenches her teeth, growling lowly. Her accent was really starting to come out. "Never. Call me anything. Besides my name." Maine touches Connies shoulder, pulling her backwards and whispering calming words to her, looking up and hoping very few people were watching them.
Colin: Mademoiselle you forgot one thing, you never told me your name so I can't really call you anything besides Mademoiselle-he says,a grin appearing on his face-
Connie takes a step towards Colin, her fists clenching up before Maine pulls her back. "Connie hush. Dude, don't provoke her." He addresses Colin directly, his voice calm.
Charles chuckles at the commotion between Connie and Colin. William thinks about stepping in, but doesn't bother as it will be more hassle.
Colin: From what i seen i havent done anythinh to provoke her, i have been as kind as i can be toward strangers-he says before goimh back to looking at his phone-
[Dante] Dante chuckles softly ,as he already hacked into the elevators computer system. Peering around to the group of people, he stopped the elevator and sent it flying back down 3 stories then letting it go back to the original floor.
Jess: Jess clung onto the sides of the elevator; her brown eyes widening in surprise as she she steadied herself. "Uh, what the hell?" She exclaimed in a light (British) accent, as if it were a question. She looked around the group, unsure whether the drop was planned or not. She'd be annoyed, but at least it stopped her boredom for a few moments.
Eloise put her hands on her head when the lift dropped. She glanced over at the girl who spoke up; she hadn't seen her before but she was from the UK like Eloise and her brothers.
Raine got bored after a while, and decided to make some conversation. As usual, Heilx thought the same. "Hey, I'm Raine, and this is Heilx." She said to Eloise. "Why do you think they brought us here for? If one would think about a huge hacking company, they would imagine a huge high class building, not this." Heilx pointed out.