Guide to the Dorms and Crew of PimD

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Ryan, Mar 1, 2015.

  1. It's an old guide.
    There's more recent updated available
  2. If anyone has the stats and prices I'll update it
  3. Spring made a spreadsheet of the T8 stats, I believe.
  4. Alright thanks I'll look into it.
  5. Does anyone know where the updated T8 version is?
  6. Here is a Guide to T8s I hope this helps. 
  7. Really hope this gets updated my favorite reference forum
  8. Lmao, just noticed the reply. Thanks pink.
  9. How many dorms are there???
  10. 44 dorms. This is an old Guide and needs to be updated.

    Here is an updated Guide to T8s
  11. ok thank you
  12. How much money do yoy nees for a single full upgraded 300b in total
  13. My dorm has 44 rooms ive unlocked 36 that was 36b do you know how much the rest is
  14. Dorm 36- 35Bil
    Dorm 37- 105Bil
    Dorm 38- 105Bil
    Dorm 39- 424Bil
    Dorm 40- 645Bil
    Dorm 41- 900Bil
    Dorm 42- 1.20T
    Dorm 43- 1.55T
    Dorm 44- 2.00T