He's trying to be helpful. Not given misleading information on purpose. There are plenty of players that do intentionally give the wrong information to players. Yet I don't see you having a go at them. You should be the one that should be ban from forums for always trying to derail any thread a player makes that is in anyway helpful. Don't let players that are always on forums to create issues, deter you from trying to help players. The ones that appreciate the help are greater then the haters.
I still have my mainPhineasGage. Yafi destroyed bcs no thanks to BAD. Hope y'all enjoyed your system wars while we cleaned up a war you drug us into. And I am not old, you've just not finished puperty yet. When you're 12, 20 does seem like 100
I find accusing tut traders of stealing decietful and slanderous. As soon as someone finds a way to hire tuts without paying for them, please let me know. Til then, it's a bold faced lie and slander. Court marshall op!
Out of everything you've ever been told in forums, this is what you deem "slanderous"? You've been trash-talked all over forums and you never threatened to have someone banned over slander. Why does this one little player bother you so much? Get a grip and stop punking on him.
Wait.. Let's go take a look at BCS Shell. Aren't they VIP while you waste away? I'm sorry you can't take the facts im laying doen , you resort to calling me underage. Mad or nah, boo? Anyways, mi'ja. Go whine to support if you're mad. Use your main to farm me. ??
Nah, you know I'm not referring to "war talk" :roll: The point is, leave him alone. If you're going to go around crying "slander" at least be consistent with it. You're the last person that needs to be quoting the RoC as you're a serial offender of it.
Silences are different from forum bans, "nub" :roll: And if you want to refer to the RoC so strictly, yes you are. Trolling (which you haven't done in this thread but you have in others) and baiting players is against the RoC. So is failure to freely share information in a mature manner.