You must be in a club and either the admin or owner can start a party, from there you can either access it through the club page or it is above the profile button when active
I think like I know all of em this is more like a guide for a 6kcs coz tbh I knew everything before 10kcs just sayin
nah it's misinformation. It should be locked and op should be forum banned. Making up lies about tut trading and refering to us hard working traders as thieves is slander.
A guide should have no defects. Hence this should be locked. Spreading misinformation about game mechanics is a bannable offence.
It's his first guide. Of course there will be defects in it. Every guide creator starts somewhere. I'm sure Jerk's very first guide wasn't the best and she probably got crap for it. Same goes for Wolf and Jiggy. But they kept making guides anyway and now they're respected for it. Nothing wrong with giving the kid a chance :roll: Instead of bashing him you should offer constructive criticism.
I did offer constructive critisim, yesterday. Op did not remove the false information from their post. Therefore #BanOP
OP, get it changed so Julie gets off your back :roll: You can ask a mod to make whatever changes you feel are necessary.
Julies just that bitter old lady that couldn't fully destroy BCS, went emo, 'lost' her main, and now spends her pimd days looking for tuts that are up and tries to relive her old pimd days. Watch her lose her sanity and start with #GasTheNoobs.