Guide to 3rd Party App Rules

Discussion in 'Guides' started by msharmony24, Jul 26, 2015.

  1. I'm still kinda confused, the ban on 3rd party app mention is supposedly so it doesn't interfere with actual "chat" in WC but mostly what I see in WC is people pleading for rp or asking for follows from people in a certain age bracket. Usually the age is 13-15, especially since the relaxed rule on age limitations. There was too much of THAT before, now it's almost ENCOURAGING people of a certain type I'm not allowed to say.

    I'm too old for this game I think. 0.0
  2. They're just saying that they don't want a bunch of spam messages regarding other apps, probably because wc is already crazy as it is ? I think many people would be annoyed if everyone kept inviting them to play other games just as people are annoyed now that a fair amount of players ask for RP. With their ads, however, you don't necessarily have to use their feature ? It's kept separately from wc, walls and forums and therefore isn't bothering anyone. Hope this helped 
  3. Bump for a player
  4. bump for noob
  5. I am noob. You is player. We are one. :(
  6. Bump for a friend 
  7. One question support should be asked is if their spinner is a game of chance or if the outcome is predetermined.

    Great thread though
  8. That's a good question but I don't really think it fits the purpose of the thread ? I believe pimd or pimd_c made a thread specifically for the spinner. I'll bump it for you ?

    Edit: I can't bump it, but if you go to Forums>Forums>Announcements you'll find it ? it's titled "Spinner FAQ"
  9. Well done Harmony :)
  10. Thanks 
  11. Why is there no sticky to this
  12. Nice Work :D keep it up hun
  13. Boo op tryhard trying to get Hs booooooo
  14. Bruh. ?
  15. Missed you ?
  16. I got sick ?
    Le my apologies madam ? missed u too fam
  17. I'm sick rn ?
    Sick of you trolling my thread. BAHAHAHAHAHA knee-slapper. Jkjk I really am sick though ? bring me chocolate pls 
  18. ummmmmmm awkward.... We are not in a relationship that requires me to be whipped ? ask ur bae Tony lel
  19. He's not Bae. I dun have a Bae  wut is Bae even