Guide to 3rd Party App Rules

Discussion in 'Guides' started by msharmony24, Jul 26, 2015.

  1. John Doe is thirsty af
  2. Nice Thread! 
  3. I thought they were both pretty thirsty :( at least John Doe learned his lesson ?
  4. Thanks ?
  5. JANE AND JOHN DOE :lol: :lol:
  6. I wanna watch CSI now. :( jk. Nice thread. :)
  7. I mentioned a third party app in reference to the new game that the Kaw devs are making and was then forum banned for doing so. I did not advertise or ask for anyone's information for the third party app yet they said it was looked at and was finalized as a valid ban. According to this thread, it shouldn't have been a valid ban. If you'd like to spend the time to explain to me why me stating a name alone was worthy of a forum ban I'm all ears since I believe it to be a biased ban.
  8. Good thread, Harmony. ️
  9. Well from what you're saying, it shouldn't have been a valid ban. However, I can't really rule on it because I haven't seen the situation as a whole. When support looked over it, they should've explained why the ban was deemed plausible and final. Maybe check out the email they sent to see if you may have missed something? Idk.
  10. Thanks ?
  11. Mhhhmm I'm make one too just watch
  12. I'll support you?
  13. She makes good threads and support people. ?

  14. Go to sleep doe
  15. Op is lame.

    And I agree with Rafael. Go to sleep, op.
  16. I would be a horrible president, even in 2k69 
  17. I will never sleep! I haven't slept since yesterday or the day before. Idk I'm losing my mind BAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA k.
  18. Ummm... Take Meth it helps
  19. Okay, back on topic ? I don't want this thread to be locked ?
  20. So... Can I post an explicit picture?