[Guide] PIMD Crates

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Muschi, Jul 11, 2018.

  1. Missing the older crate items like the old pun book and guitar pick. I think Hawar and Tyson have them.

    Items pertain to individual developers, and when developers leave the company, their items no longer drop from crates, so there are discontinued and rarer crate items which probably deserve a mention in this thread. But it's well done, so support.
    Muschi likes this.
  2. idk what pot smokers have bought for more than 50 bentos. They never have, and aren't currently worth that much. 90% of crates are sold between 20o and 40o, with the highest percentage being between 30 and 35
  3. I know that, but I wasn't going to include items that no longer drop from the crates ー although I suppose I should look into them and send a moderator another section to add onto the thread about those items because obviously there's a potential they could be on the market. Thanks, Kefo!
    Oof maybe I should change the number again. I s2g I've seen em go super high like that though. But if it isn't the average pricing... I want it to be an accurate estimate on this thread.
    PoolNoodle likes this.
  4. Original post updated! Thanks Lyssa for helping me deal with the wonky code. ?
    PoolNoodle likes this.
  5. nice
    Muschi likes this.
  6. I never catch these crate giveaways
  7. Keep an eye on Campus News (the pop-up when you open the app). Usually, they announce that you should check out Forums for contest information.

    I won mine via a trivia game in Campus. Just keep an eye out there, because from time to time a dev will do a spur of the moment trivia game. I think they're usually 3 questions.
    PoolNoodle likes this.
  8. You can also get a Crate for your great works at forum. I guess... well it depends on ATA Grant
    Muschi likes this.
  9. Aww must be nice being in US Campus... ATA devs need to visit Asian Campus sometimes
  10. I'm sure some of the devs have themselves in Asian campus for monitoring and announcement purposes. :eek:

    Tbh I've seen wc trivia games happen 2x in my 6mo here.
    PoolNoodle likes this.
  11. Never saw the trivia game here... not even devs :lol: oh i saw "pimd" twice
  12. pimd, pimd_admin, and pimd_community used to be the only accounts that ATA communicated on, before they made individual dev accounts. I think pimd is still used sometimes? Cuz I recall seeing one of them before, unless I'm just imagining it.
    PoolNoodle likes this.
  13. Strong no support
    Muschi likes this.
  14. I wouldn't expect anything less. My thread has now been blessed. ?
    PoolNoodle likes this.
  15. Updated. Thanks again Lyssa!
    PoolNoodle likes this.
  16. nice...im so lucky to hv one of vintage items
    Muschi likes this.
  17. Updated with new items and some more fun facts!
    PoolNoodle likes this.
  18. Thanks Hailey, you're the best
    Muschi likes this.
  19. I noticed that. They let a lot of people go :eek: and that Reinhardt persion doesn't even have one yet.
    Muschi likes this.