[GUIDE] How-To Gif Signature

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ArtRENAMED, Aug 18, 2015.

  1. Alright, thanks. Im creating gifs for friends and i test them on here 
  2. Gifs going so quick i think i almost had a seizure

  3. Did it work?
  4. Sorry, I should have left them slow. I thought they were a good pace to get people through the thread's content quicker. I'll see if I can get it edited.
  5. Sticky please
  6. Ayoooo B]
    This is so cool

  8. Yay. THANKS. Finally did it

  9. Glad it worked! ?
  10. Are there ways to adjust the size of the Gifs?
  11. OP for HS! ?
  12. Making More for me! First one
  13. Thank you :)

  14. They have a "Resize" tab, as well as a "Crop" tab up top beside the "T"ext tab.
  15. This came out really pretty, glad the thread helped. ?

  16. Thanks for this :D
  17. You're welcome. Your gif looks really cool. 